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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1246

The first thing Lv Hua saw as he walked into the dining hall was the Indian martial artists carrying Reilo and hobbling their way out. "You guys are from India?"

Lv Hua guessed where they were from almost instantly. They were dressed in a particular way for religious reasons, so it wasn't hard to recognize where they were from.

Lv Hua's expression immediately darkened and his frosty glare was fixed on them.

But none of the Indian martial artists paid him any attention. They just wanted desperately to leave this place and run from Ye Fan.

"Stop right there! I'm talking to all of you! Didn't you hear me?!" yelled Lv Hua icily as he tried to hold his temper in.

30 years ago, his own uncle had died at the hands of Indian martial artists.

Lv Hua had joined this mission not only to fight for the spirit energy fruit, but also to take revenge.

Now that he had seen the people who crossed him, there was no way he could remain calm.

"So what if we are? Move aside! We don't have time for you!" snapped the Indian martial artists impatiently. Even though Ye Fan had thrashed them so badly earlier, they still spoke as arrogantly as before.

"Move aside? Sure! I'll not only move aside for you guys, but I'll also send you on your way!" Lv Hua's gaze turned icy as he started to gather the energy within his body into his hands.

"Punk! How dare you!" exclaimed the Indian martial artists in fright when they saw that Lv Hua was getting ready to attack.

Lv Hua couldn't care less. He unleashed all the energy in his hands without holding back.

He smashed a punch down on them, then used his leg to kick horizontally across.

In just a few moments, the ever-complacent Indian martial artists were kicked right out of the dining hall by Lv Hua like tofu getting sliced by a knife.

The men howled as they crashed through the doors and windows, landing on the road outside.

They looked as pathetic as a bunch of dogs abandoned by their owner.

At this time, Kong Ming and Lu Yan-Xi had come running back because they were afraid that Lv Hua might be in danger.

They reached the main entrance of the restaurant just in time to watch the men fly right through the doors and windows to land in front of them.

"Wait, these people...the martial artists from India?!" Kong Ming and Lu Yan-Xi were both stunned when they realized who these men were.

Nobody knew how powerful Reilo was better than Kong Ming did.

Even Kong Ming himself had to take two steps back earlier when their fists collided.

Even though Reilo was indeed not as powerful as Kong Ming, the difference wasn't very great, so it would still be difficult for Kong Ming to defeat him.

He was shocked to see that these complacent men had been severely injured and kicked out of the restaurant in the short time that he and Lu Yan-Xi had been away.

Who could have done this?

Was there a grandmaster around?

Kong Ming frowned hard as he continued to guess what happened.


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