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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1251

Ye Fan's words in the dense forest was like a beam of light that lit up the young lady's heart instantly.

Everyone around her had treated her as a freak and a monster after they realized she talked to animals.

But not only did this young man not avoid her, he was also the only person in the world who consoled her and said that she had been blessed by the heavens.

The feeling of being affirmed and accepted nearly brought her to tears.

Angie smiled with tears in her eyes and nodded at Ye Fan. "Fan, I'll remember that."

After they had sorted all of this out, the road ahead became a lot smoother. Angie happily sat on the black bear's shoulders as she hummed and led the way into the forest.

Ye Fan just remained by her side and they went deeper and deeper into the forest.

Fan, is this Blue Beam of Golden Flowers Eyes ability really that amazing?” The two of them had talked about her ability while walking in.

Ye Fan nodded. "Of course. No matter how ferocious or aggressive the animal might be, it would be easily tamed by these eyes of yours. You could make millions of animals bow to you and recognize you as their master. You just need to give the command and millions of animals would gather. One passing of thought of yours could destroy a city with thousands of people in it. You'd be able to defeat a million soldiers by yourself."

"That's probably as powerful as a supreme grandmaster, right? So many people train so hard all their lives but never reach supreme grandmaster level, while you're born with an ability that makes you equivalent to one. If you're not considered blessed by the heavens, then who is? If those people who laughed at you understood how amazing this ability of yours really is, they'd definitely envy you," said Ye Fan slowly as he explained to Angie how powerful this ability could really be.

The more Angie listened to him, the happier she became. Her heart was suddenly flooded with happiness as an indescribable joy took over her.

She had always treated this ability as a burden and an unwanted thing, but Ye Fan had made it sound so amazing.

"Is that true? Fan, am I really that formidable? Doesn't that mean that my father and brother are all no match for me at all?" asked Angie excitedly as her eyes gleamed.

Angie had lived her entire life in loneliness and poor self-esteem.

Now that she had discovered how incredible she really was, she simply couldn't hide the happiness in her heart and she suddenly felt this strange sense of achievement.

Ye Fan smiled and nodded. "That's right. But you probably aren't at that stage yet. You've probably awoken this ability of yours again not too long ago, so its powers are still limited. I would think you wouldn't be able to control more than two or three beasts right now. But after some time, your ability will be fully activated as you learn to control it with ease. Then you would be able to use your ability to its maximum potential."

Everything that Ye Fan said earlier wasn't just a way of consoling Angie. The Book of Celestial Cloud had records of how the Blue Beam of Golden Flowers Eyes were really an extremely powerful but rare special physical characteristic.

One person could really possibly control millions of wild animals and make them work solely for himself. Thinking about it sounded nature defying already.

Also, as far as Ye Fan knew, animals that were more powerful than grandmasters and even animals at the same level as supreme grandmasters had appeared on Earth before.

Once Angie was able to tame an animal at that level, then it would be as good as having one or even more than one supreme grandmaster as her very own personal fighter.

Such an ability even made Ye Fan envious.

But of course, Angie wasn't able to use this ability to its maximum potential yet, but it was something she was already able to display a little of.

This little bit was already enough to attract a lot of attention.

"Angie, who else knows that you have this ability?" Ye Fan suddenly turned to ask Angie very seriously when he thought of something.

Angie thought about it, then shook her head. "I don't think anyone knows. My father and the rest just think that I'm antisocial and afraid of talking to humans, and think that's why I like to play with animals. If you didn't tell me about this Blue Beam of Golden Flowers Eyes, I wouldn't have known myself."

Ye Fan nodded. "That's good. Angie, remember, don't tell anybody about this ability of yours, including your parents and family. Don't use this ability in front of other people as well, otherwise I'm worried that your life might be in danger."


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