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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1250

The Book of Celestial Cloud talked about many things. One of the topics inside included records of people with special physical characteristics.

For example, there were some who were naturally born with herculean strength and could break rocks and stones from a very young age without any training.

There were also some who had a body filled with yin energy, so they had a lot of coldness within their bodies.

These Blue Beam of Golden Flower Eyes were also one special physical characteristic mentioned in the book.

The book had records of many different types of special physical characteristics, but the number of people out of the billions who lived in the world were really extremely few.

Ye Fan thought that such people were only recorded in history.

He never thought that he would see it in real life one day, and he never thought he would see something as magical as the Blue Beam of Golden Flower Eyes.

This special characteristic wasn't able to give Angie herself any additional strength, but she could use it to control animals and make them work for her.

Essentially, Angie could amass a large number of loyal 'fighters' for herself at any one time. That was the most useful thing about this characteristic. Any animal who met her eyes when she used it would become her most loyal and devoted followers.

After she had met with the bear's eyes and successfully tamed it to her will, she waved the bear over, then got onto the bear's back so that it could carry her instead.

And of course, she got the bear to carry her heavy bag as well.

"Fan, why don't you hop on too? Blackie's shoulders are very comfortable to sit on." She had just taken this animal in as her own, but she had already given it a name.

But Ye Fan was still in a daze.

"Fan, what's wrong? Why aren't you saying anything? Are you...are you like everyone else too? Are you going to dislike me because you also think that I'm a freak?"

The smile on Angie's face suddenly fell when she noticed Ye Fan's strange reaction. Her eyes reddened as she spoke and tears started to well up in her eyes as she lowered her head sadly.

The sun shone on her and cast speckled shadows on her through the tree leaves.

Ye Fan was a little stunned to hear this. "A freak? Angie, what are you talking about? I'm so envious that you have such an ability, so why would I dislike you? I don't think you're a freak at all." Ye Fan didn't understand why Angie was suddenly saying such things.

"Fan, are you serious? You really don't think I'm a freak?” Angie looked up at Ye Fan with her large watery eyes.

Ye Fan could see a deep loneliness and her poor self-esteem in those eyes. He could see that she longed for others to acknowledge and accept her.

He could hardly imagine what someone as young as Angie must have gone through in order to feel such deep loneliness.

It turned out that Angie had found out about this ability of hers from a very young age. All these ferocious animals would become obedient and gentle after looking at her, and she enjoyed their company as playmates. In fact, Angie even felt a mysterious connection to these animals.

But after some time, her peers in both her family and Chu Sect began to see her as a freak of nature.

Everyone ostracized her and made her an outcast because they felt that she was a freak. They called her a beast in human form.


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