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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1285

Ye Fan was particularly surprised by the large number of spirit energy fruits that the tree had. There were ten fruits in total.

Including the five other spirit energy fruits he stole previously, Ye Fan was now in possession of 15 of them.

In other words, Ye Fan was the sole winner of this little expedition.

Ye Fan now possessed all the spirit energy fruit from all three trees.

There were so many that his bag was too full to put in more fruit.

Ye Fan had no choice but to eat one right away so as make space.

"Wow. This tastes pretty good. It is both sweet and sour. Angie, try one for yourself."

Ye Fan ate the fruit as he plucked another one from the tree and tossed it to Angie.

Sadly, Angie was unable to catch it, so the fruit landed on the ground and fell apart.

"Fan, the fruit's ruined. I won't get to eat it." Angie was instantly disappointed.

Ye Fan smiled calmly. "It's okay. Plenty more where they came from."

Ye Fan threw another fruit into Angie's hands as he laughed.

Angie gobbled it up satisfactorily in front of everyone.

Everyone felt as though their hearts were bleeding when they witnessed the scene.

"Animals. You bunch of animals!"

"What a waste of such a precious item!"

Many people cursed in their hearts.

Spirit energy fruit was considered treasures to martial artists below the grandmaster level.

Since they only grew every 30 years, they were hard to come by.

If they had any spirit energy fruit of their own, they would certainly protect this prized fruit as though they were their eyes.

Also, they would use special tools to consume them. Each time, they would only cut a small piece of flesh and mix it in water to drink every hour.

That way, it would help to minimize any loss of spirit energy fruit. Also, they could maximize the absorption of fruit.

But Ye Fan and Angie were munching on them as though they were apples.

He even just tossed one so casually.

He even broke one in the process!

They were even angrier when they noticed how calm and nonchalant he was since they had plenty of fruit to go around.

They were behaving like a couple of monkeys in a fruit tree!

Many of them felt furious when they witnessed the scene.

They treated the fruit like a rare treasure, but Ye Fan handled them so roughly.

Some of them felt so anxious that they wanted to teach him how to use the fruit.

However, it wasn't Ye Fan's fault.

To begin with, spirit energy fruit wasn't considered a treasure to him.

After all, he had been a grandmaster for a long time. Spirit energy fruits were of little use to him, so he didn't want it as desperately.

Ye Fan snacked on the spirit energy fruit as he plucked more.

After he plucked the last spirit energy fruit from the tree, the exuberant tree wilted.

It ended up becoming a dead tree and lost all life.

Ye Fan was instantly surprised by the sight.

"There sure are a lot of unusual things in the world. I wonder where the spirit energy fruit tree would turn up in 30 years."

Indeed, spirit energy fruit trees didn't always turn up in the same locations.

The only thing that remained consistent was the Amazon rainforest.


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