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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1286

Even an outsider was so anxious and jealous, let alone Angie's brother.

Mike Jones almost rushed up to accept those spirit energy fruits on Angie's behalf.

But he could only think about this in his mind as he didn't dare to carry it out in action.

Mike Jones knew that his sister, Angie, was much closer to Ye Fan. He did not doubt that he would suffer the same fate as those Indian martial artists if it had been him who had crossed Ye Fan's line.

When everyone was looking at Angie with jealousy and envy, Lu Yan-Xi, who had been keeping quiet all this while, suddenly looked towards Ye Fan and spoke with a timorous voice, "Ye Fan, I'm sorry for everything that had happened before. It's all my fault. I had hurt you, but in spite of everything that I did, you still chose to save me. I am really touched by your magnanimity towards me. Ye Fan, thank you."

Lu Yan-Xi had spoken these words


She did not say a word when Ye Fan had defeated Elder Qi from Chu sect.

Neither did she say a word when Ye Fan had made Mike Jones retreated out of fear.

It was only now, when she saw Ye Fan gifting Angie with the spirit energy fruits, that she said these words of apology and gratitude to him.

It was hard not to speculate about another human's motives at times.

Just like in this instance. Was Lu Yan-Xi really sincere in thanking Ye Fan and truly regretful of her past actions towards him?

Or did she have an ulterior motive for doing this?

Ye Fan ignored Lu Yan-Xi and continued talking and laughing with Angie. It was as though he had not heard Lu Yan-Xi's apology at all.

Not one to give up so easily, Lu Yan-Xi continued saying, "Ye Fan, I know you are still angry with me for rejecting your confession to me a few days ago. But I swear, it was not because I look down on you. I had said those words to make you give up, so that you would not follow me into the rainforest."

"You know how dangerous the rainforest can be. I am just afraid that something bad would happen to you. My only mistake was to underestimate your power. But since you have proven yourself, I retract what I said earlier. I apologize. If it is still possible, I am willing to accept your feelings." With her words filled with sincerity and her pitiful voice echoing around where they stood, Lu Yan-Xi had the crowd moved by what she had said.

But Ye Fan was not touched by what Lu Yan-Xi had said. On the contrary, he started laughing as though he had just heard the best joke in the world.

"What did you say? You are willing to accept my feelings?” Ye Fan shook his head as he said, "You're really ahead of yourself. Or should I say...you've thought too highly of yourself. We are not on familiar terms at all, and 'strangers' would be the best term to describe our relationship. I saved you on your father's account."

"Before coming here, your father called me to look out for you. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be bothered by whether you're going to die or not. So really, there's no need for you to apologize or thank me. If you really have to thank someone, it should be your father. He knows you best. You would have ended up in a sorry state if he had not asked me to look out for you," said Ye Fan calmly with a small smile on his face.

But Lu Yan-Xi refused to accept what Ye Fan had said and shook her head, "No, Ye Fan, I know these are just excuses. You are only saying all these to mislead me. Are you still angry with me? I can feel it, you know? Your love towards me...Otherwise, you would not have tried to stop me when I wanted to leave with Lv Hua. You must have been jealous then, right?"

"And you had fought with Chu sect because of me. I am really moved by you... Ye Fan, thank you for doing all these for me. I am willing to date you, so please do not be angry with me anymore," Lu Yan-Xi rattled on.

Ye Fan was speechless.

How could this woman be such a narcissist and so stubborn?


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