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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1290

Kong Ming and the rest would probably be scared shitless if they knew that Ye Fan was actually a supreme grandmaster.

Not too long ago, a lot of people were still commenting on how Ye Fan would be able to become a supreme grandmaster in 30 years.

The existence of a supreme grandmaster was rarer than a grandmaster.

Even for a genius like Ye Fan, this 30 year estimation was already a radical one made by Kong Ming and the rest.

But Ye Fan had already reached supreme grandmaster.

They would go crazy if they found out that he was already a supreme grandmaster at this young age!

It was a good thing that there was no one but the lake and breeze to witness what Ye Fan was doing now.

No one would know Ye Fan's real power.

It took Ye Fan nearly half an hour before he arrived and stepped onto the island.

The speed of a supreme grandmaster was as quick as lightning, but even so, Ye Fan had used such a long time before arriving at the island. It was proof of the enormous distance between the island and lakeshore.

"The spirit energy is so dense here! It's even denser than the place where the spirit energy trees grew.” Ye Fan was astonished the moment he stepped onto the island.

The spirit energy around him was so dense that it seemed to have an almost tangible presence.

The trees on this island were especially thick and strong.

A tree here could be considered as an ancient tree out there in the rainforest.

"Looks like this is no ordinary island," Ye Fan muttered under his breath happily as he looked at the abundance of foliage around him that was brimming with life.

Without any delay, he started walking towards the center of the island.

The wariness and apprehension that he had felt earlier were lessened greatly.

It was all because of the unique location of the island.

The island was surrounded by vast amount of water with no boats around. There were also many carnivorous creatures like crocodiles in the lake.

Under such circumstances, it would be hard for anyone to come to this island with the exception of supreme grandmasters.

And so, Ye Fan had reason to believe that this was an uninhabited island.

It was highly likely that he was the only person on this island.

Ye Fan had nothing to be worried about since he was on an island that was cut off from the world.

"This is the best place to live a secluded life. I can come here in the future when I have to shut myself from the world to cultivate and make a breakthrough. There's no way I will be bothered by enemies here," said Ye Fan to himself, as a slow smile started to spread on his face. He was in such a good mood.

The spirit energy became denser as Ye Fan walked further into the island.

But Ye Fan's relaxed and happy mood vanished when he came to the bottom of a mountain.

The wariness and apprehension that he had felt earlier resurfaced.

The surroundings of this mountain had been badly damaged.

There were ravines that ran across the bottom of the mountain.

One of the ravines even stretched for a hundred meters.

Thousands of trees had been uprooted or broken. The parts of the trees that were broken showed signs of being cut off forcefully by someone.

Even the mountain top in front of him seemed to have been sliced into half, and debris of shattered boulders and rocks were scattered on the ground.

"It looks like these cuts were made by a sword. This person's swordplay must be very powerful to be able to cause this level of damage! It looks like someone has beaten me to this place,” Ye Fan frowned as he looked disappointed.

The ruins in front of him was not a good sign.

It was obvious a fight had taken place here and it looked recent.

Which meant that other powerful martial artists had already been here.


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