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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1291

A wintry wind rushed through the cave, howling loudly like a demon.

Ye Fan entered the cave without any hesitation.

Nothing was gained by sitting on your hands and staying away from danger, after all.

He had come so far. He had to find out what was in that cave.

Besides, Ye Fan was confident that nothing on this island could harm him.

He walked deeper into the cave cautiously.

At first, the dim light streaming in from the entrance allowed Ye Fan to see the inside of the cave.

However, it grew darker the deeper Ye Fan ventured into the cave until it became completely pitch-black. Having no other choice, Ye Fan slowed down as he cautiously made his way further into the darkness.

The danger that he was expecting did not occur.

It was an unexpectedly smooth and safe journey.

That did nothing to ease the suspicion and wariness that Ye Fan harbored.

In fact, the looming sense of danger only grew.

The sand hissed loudly as Ye Fan's feet took careful steps in the darkness.

Save for the quiet sounds of his footsteps, it was utterly silent in the cave.

All he could see was a pitch-black darkness.

Ye Fan slowly and carefully inched his way deeper into the cave.

An invisible burden began to weigh upon his shoulders as he made his way in complete silence and darkness.

It became a heaviness that sat heavily in his heart.

After a long time, a glimmer of light finally emerged at the end of long and deep cave.

"Is that light I'm seeing?"

Everyone craved the light.

Having been submerged in darkness for such a long time, Ye Fan was elated by the sight of that faint, glimmering light.

He quickened his steps and approached the source of the light swiftly.

As he made his way forward, he realized the growing distance between him and the walls.

The long and narrow tunnel was expanding into something more spacious and less claustrophobic.

His elation did not last long.

When he finally reached the end of the tunnel, he froze.

A solemn look darkened his face.

His eyes stared unblinkingly into the distance.

Alarm and caution blared loudly in his head.

It was as if he was staring his greatest enemy in the face.

That would be the shadowy figure that was barely ten meters away from Ye Fan.

Cloaked in black robes and a veiled mask, the figure sat cross-legged on a stone platform.

Even though they were separated by ten meters and the figure before him did not deliberately try to intimidate Ye Fan, the young man could still sense the invisible waves of power emanating from the cloaked figure.

The alarm and caution that such power invoked in Ye Fan led the young man to an instant conclusion. The cloaked figure before him must be incredibly powerful.

In fact, the figure must be powerful beyond measure.

This was someone who would at least occupy one of the first ten positions in the Sky Ranking.

How much power did that entail?

China had a population in the billions. Yet, no one had managed to get themselves into the top ten positions in the Sky Ranking.


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