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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1293

Two figures raced across the skies on the island at the speed of light.

Winds howled around them fiercely and ripped mercilessly through clouds, turning the latter into shreds.

Beneath their feet were rows and rows of trees that swayed violently as their chase across the skies sent gusts of wind whipping across verdant crowns, stirring emerald waves rising and ebbing across the island.

One of the two figures was Ye Fan, who was attempting to flee with the treasure that he had just stolen.

The other was the cloaked figure whom Ye Fan had just stolen that treasure from.

Ye Fan was running as quickly as he could possibly run. He had pooled all his energies in his feet and as a result, he was moving as quickly as he ever possibly move.

He had expected to shake off the cloaked figure easily at such high speeds, especially because he had just injured the latter severely moments ago.

But things were way beyond his expectations.

No matter what he did, he couldn't shake off his pursuer. In fact, the distance between the two of them appeared to be narrowing.

Without his bizarre methods of dodging and evasion, the cloaked figure would have caught up with him by now.

"Damnit, this can't be possible. You're injured! I should be able to shake you off! Well, since that doesn't work, I'm just going to have to tire you out!"

Ye Fan glanced at the cloaked figure from the corner of his eye. The latter was still in mad pursuit.

A veil obscured his pursuer's face while wild winds whipped his pursuer's hair violently.

His pursuer's black robes flurried wildly in the wind while a menacing fury emanated from the cloaked figure.

He was being hunted by a demon that had crawled straight out of hell.

Any other man would have been collapsed into a boneless heap of fear and terror in the face of such a menacing aura.

Ye Fan didn't appear that worried at all.

The cloaked figure was clearly at his limits.

He was like a huge fish struggling against the hook in its lip, fighting with everything it had to no avail.

When that fish lost all its strength, it would finally go still and allow the fisherman to scoop it out with his net.

The cloaked figure had taken a blow from Ye Fan in the chest.

While Ye Fan hadn't put his full strength behind that attack, he had made sure that it hurt enough and would seriously injure the cloaked figure.

Ye Fan eyed the traces of blood on the cloaked figure's veil, observed his pursuer's increasingly hurried breathing and concluded that his opponent wasn't going to last for much longer.

In a few moments, the cloaked figure would exhaust himself and lose the strength to pursue Ye Fan further.

With that thought in mind, Ye Fan decided to wing it. He sped up.

The winds howled around him as the trees and grass hissed violently.

Ye Fan was akin to a shooting star racing across the heavens above the island.

He had begun a deadly game of tag on the island with his pursuer.

One fled while the other chased, racing from one end of the island to the other, from morning to noon, and from noon to dusk.

Ye Fan did not expect to circle the island hundreds of times. He was crushed by the fact that he had not managed to shake off the cloaked figure.

"Damnit! Is this guy a bloodhound or something? Why isn't he giving up?" panted Ye Fan heavily. He was going out of his mind.

He had planned to tire his opponent out but he hadn't expected himself to start flagging before the other person did.

While Ye Fan was still caught in his disbelief at his pursuer's seemingly endless stamina, his opponent was in the grip of similar agitation.

"Who is that scoundrel? He's as quick as when I am at my full strength. In fact, he might even be more powerful than I am!"

The person stared into the distant figure and frowned. Underneath the cloaked figure's veil was a solemn look of caution and wariness.

Capturing Ye Fan was turning out to be a greater challenge than expected.

That didn't mean that the cloaked figure was going to give up.

No one had managed to steal something from right under the cloaked figure's nose just yet!


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