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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1294

The clouds roiled in the skies above the island.

A grandmaster hovered in the heavens.

Winds howled around her as the sword in her hand hummed with power.

Within the storm, the grandmaster stood and beneath her robes, hid her slender form that shook violently as she heaved heavily.

Ye Fan's earlier disruption and theft had not caused her this much distress.

She could not have foreseen that the scoundrel who had sneaked up on her and attacked her had been him.

She had not expected their union, after their hasty parting, would be under such circumstances.

How could anyone understand the emotional turmoil that she was experiencing right now?

Waves of fear, shock and even joy flooded her while greater waves of fury and hate threatened to overwhelm her.

"Thatjerk! He brings nothing buttrouble!"

The young woman bristled with anger and annoyance. She was ready to dice him up into tiny bits.

Despite her murderous thoughts, Yu Yun appeared to change her mind at the last moment before her attack landed on Ye Fan.

With a thought, the course of the attack shifted minutely and the attack glanced past Ye Fan like a forceful gust of wind.

Ye Fan had steeled himself for his enemy's attack and was stunned when it missed him.

"How could it miss? It seems that the heavens are on my side!" Ye Fan was elated. He truly thought that he had been blessed by the gods and thus had escaped unscathed.

Without saying a word, he continued his attempt to escape.

His elation did not last long.

A loud, clear sound rang out.

A slap from the cloaked figure on his cheek sent Ye Fan flying into the distance.

He had not expected to be hit by a slap to the face after missing an attack from his enemy's sword.

This wasn't a bad thing though.

Even though the slap had sounded rather loud, it had not hurt that much. Besides the red mark on his face, Ye Fan did not suffer any injury.

He got to his feet immediately and plastered a sheepish smile on his face.

"Esteemed senior, I'm terribly sorry for what I did earlier, but honestly, we bear no strong grudge against each other. This ice spirit fruit really means a lot to me. I really need it. Please allow me to have it. I promise to make it up to you in the future," said Ye Fan with the utmost respect as he tried his best not to anger the person before him.

Ye Fan had no intention of handing the ice spirit fruit over to the cloaked figure even though the latter had caught up with him.

He would rather thrash it out with the latter.

He wouldn't be Ye Fan if he were so easily cowed by a stronger opponent.

"You could've just taken the fruit. Why did you ambush me? Were you planning to kill me?” The furious voice of a young woman emerged from beneath the dark veil.

Her fingers curled into fists.

The thought of what had happened earlier sent her trembling with rage.

She had been minding her own business and training in silence. It had been infuriating that someone had interrupted her training and stolen her treasure, but what had made that worse had been the ambush that had injured her seriously.

If it hadn't been Ye Fan but someone else who had committed the crime, she would have ripped the person apart.

Even though she had managed to recognize the young man for whom he was, she had still given him a tight slap for what he had done to her.

That was the only way to appease her fury.

He had gone too far, after all.


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