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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1306

Those who had stood near Ye Fan were driven back by Ye Fan's thunderous voice.

"Mr Ye, what...what do you mean by that?"

Ye Fan's sudden threat had everyone stupefied. Fear and anger rose within them all.

He had monopolized the spirit energy fruits that were left in the rainforest and had earned himself his fair share of discontent and jealousy from the rest.

Now, another treasure had made its appearance and here Ye Fan was again, standing before the entrance of the cave where it was held and in their way.

The other martial artists were naturally resentful.

"What do I mean? I mean exactly what I said," replied Ye Fan coldly to the question the others had posed him.


His reply nearly drove some of them to

their graves.

"Ye Fan, don't you think that you've gone too far? The cave doesn't belong to you. What gives you the right to stop us from entering it?" yelled Lv Hua as he stepped forward and expressed his discontentment with Ye Fan.

"That's right!"

"Mr Ye, don't you think you've gone too far?"

"You got the largest share of spirit energy fruits in the last fight. Do you intend to monopolize the treasures inside the cave again?"

"That's rather heartless of you."

"You can have the lion's share, but aren't we allowed to have the leftovers?"

"Besides, you told us that there's no treasure in the cave. In that case, why wouldn't you let us inside?"

Everyone followed suit and began to express their unhappiness with Ye Fan.

The loudest of them all wasn't Lv Hua but the martial artists from Australia.

The spirit energy fruits that the latter had gotten had ended up in the hands of Ye Fan. Because of that, the Australian martial artists had been nursing a grudge against Ye Fan all this while.

Ye Fan had also severely injured the leader of their team. They hadn't dared to say a word about that because of how powerful Ye Fan had seemed.

Right now, Ye Fan had become the target of everyone's ire. With the masses on their side, the Australian martial artists seized the opportunity and began hurling criticisms at Ye Fan.

Ye Fan was utterly unmoved.

He simply stood there, his face devoid of emotion as he spoke dispassionately. "You've said your piece. So what? As long as I'm around, none of you will take one step inside that cave!"


Ye Fan's indifference infuriated the crowd.

The Australian martial artists stepped forward and began hurling threats at Ye Fan.

"I'd advise you to step aside or face the wrath of everyone. We admit that you're incredibly powerful and that none of us can take you alone. But don't forget that you're just one man against the lot of us. If you push us too far, we'll attack you together. Doesn't matter if you're a grandmaster then. You won't be able to take all of us. When that happens, you won't be able to hold onto whatever treasure that's in the cave, nor the spirit energy fruits that you've stolen from us and from Chu Sect,” said an Australian martial artist before laughing maliciously and fearlessly.

Numerous martial artists stood behind him. He was unafraid Ye Fan, who was alone and without an ally.

"Don't you dare! If you dare bully my Fan, I'll have my father gather the martial artists in our family clan and send them after you. We'll destroy the Australian martial arts circle!" Before Ye Fan could say a word, Angie exploded and yelled at the man like a kitten whose tail had just been trampled on.

No one paid any attention to the words of the young girl though.

Livid, Angie began to plead with her brother.

"Mike, you go tell them. Tell them that our family clan will send our martial artists after them if they dare bully my Fan," said Angie furiously.

Instead of her brother's support, she received words of reprimand.


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