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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1307

"Let's wait and see,” Mike Jones whispered as he shook his head.

"Young Master, let's not wait anymore. This is the perfect chance to avenge our elder's death. If Chu Sect's martial artists join forces with the martial artists of the various nationalities, we can crush this young Chinese punk and turn him to dust!"

The martial artists of Chu Sect had thought that Mikes Jones would agree to attack Ye Fan without any hesitation. They had not expected Mike Jones to tell them to hold their horses.

"Silence! What do you know? Stand down. No one is to make a move without my orders," bellowed Mike Jones.

He had his reasons for staying out of the fight.

He detested confrontations and never attacked someone who was more powerful than he was if he wasn't fully confident of his chances of success.

Ye Fan was that someone right now.

In the face of a joint attack by numerous powerful martial artists, even a grandmaster such as Ye Fan would find it a challenge to preserve his composure.

But Ye Fan appeared eerily calm.

It wasn't normal behavior at all.

Mike Jones couldn't help but be suspicious.

Did the young man have something hidden up his sleeve? A powerful trump card, perhaps?

Because of these concerns, Mike Jones had ordered his men to stay their hand.

He planned to watch and wait.

When the moment was right, he would strike.

When he did, he would make sure that it was a lethal blow.

If he attacked, he would strive to kill Ye Fan in a single attack.


While Mike Jones plotted and conspired secretly, the rest had gathered in a group and launched their attacks.

"Mountainous Crush!”

"Sundered Mountain!”

"Buddha's Mark!"

Furious yells erupted in the air as attack after attack was unleashed.

Everyone began to unleash their most powerful moves.

The force of their attacks rose to the heavens like a whirlwind.

"Elder Kong, Yan-Xi, what are you still waiting for? Come on, let's attack! The scoundrel humiliated us. It's time we repay him for what he's done to us!"

Lv Hua must have been the happiest person in the crowd.

Laughing gleefully, he rushed ahead, gathered his strength in his fist and swung a punch at Ye Fan.

Kong Ming and Lu Yan-Xi appeared slightly hesitant.

They might have had a fallout with Ye Fan, but he was still a Chinese citizen.

Besides, Ye Fan had helped Lu Yan-Xi in the past. She was reluctant to attack him.

"Why aren't the both of you attacking? Are you with him?"

The Australian martial artists had been keeping an eye on the Chinese martial artists.

They had all come from the same Chinese martial arts circle, after all. They might just sneak up behind the others and attack them while they were busy fighting Ye Fan.

"Of course not! Don't be mistaken. We have nothing to do with Ye Fan now. You saw what happened during the fight for spirit energy fruits," Kong Ming explained hastily as soon as he sensed the hostile stares on him.

He turned and gave Lu Yan-Xi a look. They had to join the rest and attack.

In their current situation, it was best to follow the crowd.

Otherwise, the crowd would turn against them and label them as their enemies alongside Ye Fan.

Left with no other option, Kong Ming and Lu Yan-Xi joined the attack against Ye Fan.

But it was clear that their hearts weren't in it and that they had not unleashed their full power.

Regardless, the attacks unleashed by numerous martial artists created a commotion that grew increasingly louder as the powerful attacks surged at Ye Fan like waves of a terrible stormy sea.

"Time to die, punk!"

"This is what you get for stealing from us!"


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