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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1310

The middle-aged man remained silent after listening to the furious retorts of the Indonesian martial artist.

With his hands folded behind his back and his eyes staring straight ahead, he appeared not to have seen the crowd as he walked right past them.

Such complete disregard infuriated the Indonesian martial artists.

Compared to hurling profanities at them, utter and complete disregard was the worse insult.

They flew into a rage instantly.

"Who are you to ignore us?"

"Did your elders not teach you manners?"

"Let us teach you how to be a proper grown-up then!”

The furious roars of the Indonesian martial artists filled the air. An icy wind howled suddenly and rushed at them with the force of a storm. A storm that rained swords instead of rain.

A loud metallic sound pierced the air.

The four Indonesian martial artists collapsed to the ground soundlessly. They hadn't even had the chance to scream.

Around their necks was a wound that resembled a cut made by a sword.

Their heads rolled away. Blood spurted from their necks.

They didn't even have time to show fear on their faces before dying.

Everything had happened too quickly.

So quickly, they hadn't had the time to feel fear.

So quickly, the human eye had not been able to catch what had happened.

In fact, so quickly, that no one had managed to attempt a dodge before heads began to roll.

Everyone was instantly stupefied.

Silence descended.

The earlier commotion vanished without a trace.

Like a tape recorder that broke down in the middle of a song, all sound was suddenly silenced.

Left in its wake were gaping mouths and faces filled with shock.

What incredible speed!

The stranger's attack had been unleashed with incredible, lightning speed.

Before anyone could have made a move, the four Indonesian martial artists' heads had rolled off their necks.

The shocking sight and the stranger's merciless attack had everyone shivering with fear.

All of a sudden, the ordinary looking man transformed into something mysterious and terrifying in everyone's eyes.

Kong Ming and the others stared at him with fear and awe.

A fatal strike always came unexpectedly and suddenly!

The man had not said another word since he had appeared before them.

But the four corpses at his feet spoke volumes.

The bloody scene and his violent methods had surpassed that of Ye Fan's.

"Grandmaster! He's a grandmaster too! Only a grandmaster can kill so many martial artists within a blink of an eye,” gasped someone in the crowd after a long moment of silence.

The man who spoke pointed at the stranger in alarm and fear.

"Grandmaster? Well, I suppose that's all losers like you know."

Sounds of laughter rang out from the forest and stirred everyone from their shocked stupor.


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