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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1309

They had thought that they had had Ye Fan cornered. But they had been wrong. In fact, they had been terribly wrong.

Ye Fan wasn't the one trapped in a corner. They were.

Ye Fan had single-handedly trapped all of them in a corner.

Some believed that ten thousand of them couldn't rival a single man while some believed that they alone could rival ten thousand men.

Ye Fan was clearly the latter.

The shock of witnessing Ye Fan's prowess in battle passed. Silence descended upon the earth once again.

Ye Fan stood proudly as his dark, unfathomable eyes surveyed his surroundings. They seemed as if they could see through everything, including time itself.

A light breeze rose before him and sent fallen leaves into a flurry.

Gentle waves rippled across the clear surface of the lake behind him.

Ye Fan simply stood like an unmoving mountain.

His gaze fell upon the crowd once more and his voice rumbled like thunder and filled the heavens.

"Anyone else wants to venture another try?”

Ye Fan's furious voice sent the martial artists of the numerous nations trembling.

They dared not even look him straight in the eye.

Moments ago, many of them had thought naively that Ye Fan wouldn't be able to stop them all.

But reality had told them otherwise, loudly and clearly.

Who said a single man couldn't take down the whole world?

Ye Fan just did.

No one had foreseen that he would be so powerful.

"Somebody, help me!"


The Australian martial artists lay on the ground moaning in pain.

No one dared to do anything about it.

In fact, many of them longed to kill those idiots themselves.

If not for these idiots, they wouldn't have attempted to attack Ye Fan.

Without that attack, none of their comrades would be injured or killed. They would not have suffered so many casualties.

"Chu Sect was smart to stay out of this. We should have done what they had done," lamented many of them with regret.

The most regretful of them all must be the Australian martial artists who were still alive and moaning on the ground.

If they had known how powerful Ye Fan was, they would rather have killed themselves instead of incurring his wrath.

But it was too late now.

Regret wasn't going to turn back time.

Angie was probably the only person who was feeling happy right now.

She was still in Ye Fan's arms.

The girl felt an incredible joy as she savored Ye Fan's warm embrace.

She had witnessed her precious Fan's invincible prowess. He had stood before an army and leveled it. Angie's young heart had undoubtedly been won over by Ye Fan's display of absolute power.

Her eyes were filled with adoration as she stared at Ye Fan.

Was this the true extent of her Fan's strength?

He was amazing.

He was so much more amazing than anyone whom she had ever met.

"Alright, you silly girl. Get down. They'll think you're some kid I'm grooming to be my wife in the future," teased Ye Fan as he shook his head indulgently. The danger had passed, but Angie had remained in his arms and wouldn't let go.

Angie's cheeks flushed when she heard that. She wormed out of Ye Fan's embrace instantly.

"You're so annoying, Fan! Am I not good enough for you? I'm the one who doesn't want your hugs. I won't hug you again even if you beg me to," said Angie angrily. Adorable girls remained adorable even when they were mad.


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