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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1331

"Mike, you are right. Considering my abilities, there is nothing I can do even if we managed to find Fan. Let's go back.”

The young girl lowered her eyes. Her words were filled with sadness and disappointment.

She hated feeling powerless.

She felt emotional when she witnessed a woman turn the tables, save Ye Fan, and even taught Brahma and Gaia a lesson.

At that moment, a notion crossed Angie's mind.

She really wanted to be able to stand up for Ye Fan one day, just like the woman in the veil.

However, she was incapable of doing it now.

In the end, Angie didn't insist on searching for Ye Fan and went home with her older brother.

Before she left, Angie looked in the direction where Ye Fan was taken.

She turned to say to Mike Jones, "Mike, let's go. I want to go home and learn martial arts. I want to learn how to kill.”

The young girl spoke with her words burning and a determined look in her eyes.

Her family used to protect her like a delicate flower.

However, she now had someone to protect.

Angie didn't want to be a burden anymore. She didn't want to powerlessly stand by and watch when the people she cared about met with danger.

Mike Jones was surprised to hear what his little sister said.

He couldn't believe the words that just came out of her mouth.

Mike Jones knew that his little sister hated martial arts.

All these years, he and his father often tried to make Angie learn martial arts.

However, she stubbornly refused to learn.

Mike Jones recalled that many years ago, his father hit her after she had driven away a grandmaster who had come to teach her martial arts.

He wanted to use brute force to make Angie do as he said.

Even after his father broke Angie's leg, she gritted her teeth and stubbornly refused to learn.

It was the first time his father ever hit Angie, and it was also the last time.

From then on, they stopped talking about getting Angie to practice martial arts.

Mike Jones was surprised to hear his little sister wanting to learn martial arts despite her disdain for it.

He didn't know whether he ought to be happy or worried.

Although it was a good thing for Angie to learn how to defend herself, was it a good idea for an innocent girl to get involved in the brutal martial arts world?

Mike Jones was incapable of coming up with an answer himself.

However, this was not the time to think about this.

The important thing was to leave the rainforest and meet up with Chu Qi-Tian and the others and report this to the sect.

Even a fool could tell something was going on when three supreme grandmasters had engaged in battle like that on the island.

However, Mike Jones was incapable of learning the truth for himself.

He would leave these matters to the sect elders instead.

Very quickly, Mike Jones and the others left.

The island reverted to peace.

Only the rubble and gullies in the earth made it clear that a major battle had erupted here.

Just as everyone quietly left the island, two silhouettes quietly appeared on the other end.

One of them looked so elegant and dignified that even the beauty of the sun and the moon couldn't compare to her.

However, the stunning woman's eyes were filled with sadness and worry.


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