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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1332

The voice sounded soft and faint and was almost inaudible.

However, Yu Yun was very close to Ye Fan, so she was able to hear it clearly.

Yu Yun ran towards the lake and fetched Ye Fan some water.

But when she reached the lake, Yu Yun realized that she didn't have any vessel to fill the water with.

Yu Yun had no choice but to use her hands to carry water to Ye Fan.

Unfortunately, all the water had seeped through her hands by the time she arrived back at the cave. She could only manage to give Ye Fan a few drops of water.

"Oh no. This place is so far from the lake. It's impossible for me to bring any water with my hands."

Yu Yun was somewhat annoyed and anxious.

Yu Yun used to think that she was invincible. Considering her status and power, she felt nothing could stop her.

It didn't dawn on Yu Yun that the number one supreme grandmaster on the Sky Ranking would one day be completely stumped by something so seemingly simple.


Ye Fan's weak voice could be heard.

This time, Ye Fan's voice became slightly softer, and there was an agonizing look on his face.

Yu Yun gently touched Ye Fan's forehead and found it burning hot. He seemed to be having a fever.

Although Yu Yun hadn't fallen ill in a long time, she had common sense.

She knew that people who had fever needed lots of water.

"Oh no! What should I do now? Should I bring you to the lake? But can you withstand all the traveling in your condition?"

Her heart was in chaos.

In an instant, Yu Yun was at a loss when she saw the agony on Ye Fan's face.

She looked at Ye Fan's lips. In an instant, a thought occurred in her head.

But the moment the notion emerged in Yu Yun's mind, she threw it out.

"No, I can't do that."

Yu Yun shook her head as she muttered with an unusual blush on her face.

Her concern for Ye Fan overwhelmed her rationality in the end.

"Forget it. Let me be willful just this once. No one's around anyway."

After being in a dilemma for a few moments, Yu Yun gritted her teeth and left the cave swiftly.

When she returned, her cheeks were bulging, and her face was slightly red probably because she was losing her breath.

Yu Yun ran to Ye Fan without pausing.

She bent over and slowly went close to Ye Fan's face.

Yu Yun couldn't help blushing even harder as Ye Fan's face came to view.

She ended up feeling so nervous that her heart palpitated.

Yu Yun convinced herself countless times that she was only trying to save Ye Fan. Since she owed him a favor, she had no choice but to help him. She certainly didn't harbor any other thoughts for him.

However, she continued to feel shy and awkward.

She felt like a pure innocent young woman secretly kissing the man she loved.

"Sigh. Just do it. It's not like he can see what I'm doing anyway.”

Yu Yun shyly closed her eyes and mustered her courage.

In a second, her warm lips touched Ye Fan's lips gently.

Yu Yun had to even more shyly use her tongue to part Ye Fan's lips so that she could give him water.

All the water in Yu Yun's mouth went into Ye Fan's.


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