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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1345

"My dear cousin, I didn't think we would end up meeting like this after parting ways all those years ago.” The young man laughed gently as his calm voice quietly rang.

No one knew what emotion filled those words.

"Qi-Tian, I believe that's the first time you ever regarded me as your cousin," replied Ye Fan calmly as he laughed and looked at the young man dressed smartly in a suit.

The young man was none other Chu Qi-Tian, who spent years trying to assassinate Ye Fan.

For ten years and almost 4,000 days.

The two of them finally met once more.

Ye Fan initially thought he would feel furious and murderous after seeing the man who brought him so much suffering for ten years.

Ye Fan realized that he felt surprisingly calm when the moment finally arrived.

It felt as though the man standing before him wasn't his mortal enemy but an old friend.

Chu Qi-Tian shook his head. "Uh huh. All these years, that was the first time I called you my cousin, but that doesn't mean a bastard son of a farmer woman is fit to be my cousin. Today, I am acknowledging that fact out of pity. I want you to have a proud moment before you die. Even if you die today, you should have no regret."

"Honestly, you've surprised me. You are the toughest opponent I've ever met. For ten years, I kept sending people to kill you. You were a tiny ant that could be crushed by anyone, but you shockingly ended up being so powerful. You single-handedly destroyed the Japanese martial arts circle and even escaped my father's plot. Chu Tian-Fan, oh Chu Tian-Fan, I wonder why you end up so lucky all the time?"

"But it ends now! I won't give you the chance to escape today!"

Chu Qi-Tian's expression turned icy cold as he thought through the past and clenched his fists tightly.

He looked at Ye Fan menacingly.

It had been too long. Ye Fan had been making trouble for him for too long.

Now it was time for this to end.

"It ends now?" Ye Fan softly laughed as he looked up at his cousin with his calm words ringing in the air.

"Qi-Tian, those are the same words I have for you. It's been so many years, so it is indeed time for us to settle this feud. I thought this would only happen when I storm the Chu family, but there's no point in waiting now. Since you have already come to me on your own, it would save me the trouble of going to the Chu house. I will cut off your head today in the name of all the things I suffered for ten years and settle this score once and for all!”


The raging wind left ripples in the lake.

The trees instantly swayed in the wind.

The cold wind sounded like the sound of a bugle before the final battle.

In an instant, a battle of life and death would take place.

No one could understand how Ye Fan felt now.

For ten years, the man before him tried to kill him.


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