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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1363

A beautiful woman stood holding a sword, while a young man bled.

The eye catching red of his blood flowed slowly down the long sword in Tang Yun's hand.

The sound of her sword stabbing into Ye Fan's chest resonated loudly in Tang Yun's head.

In that instant, Tang Yun froze in shock.

Her body trembled and horror filled her eyes.

"You...you...why didn't you dodge?" asked Tang Yun in a trembling voice.

She didn't expect things to turn out like this.

She didn't expect her sword to actually pierce Ye Fan.

She thought Ye Fan would dodge her attack. He was more than capable of dodging this.

Never in her wildest dreams would she have expected Ye Fan to literally just walk right into her sword.

"Why? Why didn't you dodge it?" questioned Tang Yun again and again. Her eyes were bloodshot, but she wasn't sure if it was because her heart was aching or it was just in utter shock.

Ye Fan didn't say anything and just smiled at her.

That smile was filled with nothing but sadness and disappointment.

He looked like he was saying his final goodbye to someone he once knew.

From the moment that sword pierced through him, Ye Fan knew that the young lady who loved eating his fried rice in the old Chu mansion no longer existed.

The young lady who had trained with him and helped him with his cultivation of martial arts was no longer around.

The woman called Yu Yun had been stabbed to pieces after this sword entered his body.

Ye Fan suddenly coughed and his body trembled violently.

Mouthful after mouthful of blood poured out from within his body and dribbled to the ground.

His face began to pale and weaken as he lost more and more blood.

Tang Yun felt like her heart had been shredded by a knife when she looked at this bleeding young man in front of her.

She felt as though this sword had stabbed herself and not him.

But just as she was lost in her own pain, a terrible sound suddenly rang out from behind her.

Chu Qi-Tian had suddenly sprung up from hiding behind Tang Yun.

He seized the opportunity to punch Ye Fan's wound fiercely.

"HAHA! Chu Tian-Fan, it ends here today! Go to hell!" laughed Chu Qi-Tian arrogantly as his powerful fist landed suddenly on Ye Fan.

Chu Qi-Tian wasn't the only one. One of the Black Guardians who had been severely injured by Ye Fan earlier managed to get up from the rubble and attacked Ye Fan when he was at his weakest.

He slammed a palm aggressively against Ye Fan's back.

After getting attacked both from the front and back, Ye Fan was heavily wounded once again.

His ribs broke and blood sprayed everywhere.

The impact of this double whammy caused him to fly a kilometer out before crashing heavily onto the ground again.


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