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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1364

"Tang Yun, do not think that you can make me give up by doing all these things. Unless I die here today, I'm definitely still going to storm the Chu family! I, Chu Tian-Fan, will make the Chu family pay a hundred times over for everything they owe my mother and I! They will pay for making us suffer for so many years!"

"Nobody can stop me. If one man stops me, I will kill that one person. If ten people block my way, I will murder all ten of them. If the whole world stands in my way, I will slaughter everyone. Even if Chu Sect tries to stop me, I will kill every single person without hesitation," Ye Fan's determined voice clanged loudly like gold and rocks falling to the ground, resonating loudly among the trees.

"Also, since we're not on the same path and we don't see eye to eye, you can have these things back,” said Ye Fan as he tore the Blue Spirit Jade from around his neck and flung it at Tang Yun. He also flung the manual that Tang Yun had left him.

"Tang Yun, it's all over now. If we meet again, I will not show you any mercy." Ye Fan then turned and dragged his bloodied and battered body away slowly.

Tang Yun was too stunned to move.

She watched as the young man left dejectedly, then looked down at the jade at her feet. For some reason, Tang Yun suddenly felt a stabbing pain in her heart.

She felt as though part of her heart had been ripped open, and a sour liquid was flowing out of it.

It made her feel like she was about to suffocate.

Her body swayed slightly and her beautiful face was void of color.

She seemed to have aged by several decades in that moment.

Her once authoritative and aloof face was now covered with exhaustion and loneliness.

The cold winds caused the surface of the lake water to undulate, and it also made

Tang Yun's hair fly.

Before this, Tang Yun had already decided that she would cut all ties with Ye Fan. She had already decided that she would not think about him anymore and she would not meet him ever again.

But when the moment she had to actually do it came, she suddenly felt the urge to burst out crying.

She felt as though someone extremely important to her had left her.

Tang Yun had no idea why she felt this way or why she was experiencing such emotions.

She had gotten to know Ye Fan very recently and had spent only about a month with him.

This little bit of time was nothing compared to the years and years of martial arts cultivation she had under her belt.

So why did her heart ache so badly when she watched Ye Fan turn and walk away?

Tang Yun's heart was thrown into confusion and her mind was overwhelmed with various thoughts and feelings.

She wanted to call out to Ye Fan, apologize to him and treat his wounds so many times, but every time the words reached her lips, they never actually materialized.

No matter what, she was still the sect leader of Chu Sect. Everything she had today was given to her by Chu Sect.

She couldn't go against her own principles and do anything that would bring harm to the sect because of Ye Fan.

"Sect Leader Tang! He's getting away! We can't let him leave like that! Hurry up and kill him!" Chu Qi-Tian's anxious voice rang in her ears again.

"Shut up! Don't you find yourself an embarrassment? Chu Sect has always acted above board and done everything in the open! Even if we wanted to kill someone, we would fight our opponents openly! But what did the two of you do? You secretly launched an attack on someone who was already severely injured! What a disgrace! You've thoroughly embarrassed the prestige of the sect!” said Tang Yun in an icy and nasty voice.

She didn't wait for any response and walked away.


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