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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1389

"Stop! Don't you dare touch her!" A low voice rang out suddenly.

And very soon after, a heroic figure flew past Qiu Mu-Cheng as quickly as a hawk.


The heroic figure had knocked down the three men with just three successive kicks.

Those gangsters groaned as they rolled on the ground in pain.

"Who are you?"

"How dare you poke your nose into our affairs?"

"Get lost now if you know what is good for you! Otherwise, don't blame us for what we will do to you!"

After helping the rest up from where they fell, these gangsters glared at the handsome young man who had appeared from nowhere.

They even flashed the short knives which they now held in their hands.

The sharpened blades reflected off the blazing sun rays.

"Just with the few of you? The bunch of you even dare to threaten me?" The young man laughed softly and suddenly gave the ground a hard step with his foot.

A cold blast of wind immediately formed and sent sandstones and fallen leaves swirling up in the air.

It was in the midst of the sandstorm that the young man raised his arm with his palm out.

A small pebble was held in between his slim and long fingers.

With a burst of his internal energy force, the pebble was sent flying from his fingers!


His energy force created a buzzing sound which could be heard all around as it

whizzed across the sky like a bolt of lightning.

The pebble flew past the gangsters and with a thud, embedded itself into a tree trunk a distance away from them.

It was only after the pebble had landed exactly where it was targeted, that the gangsters started to feel stinging pain on their faces.

Soon, they realized that blood was streaming down from their cheeks.


"This... This..."

"That pebble was swift like lightning!"

"What kind of technique is this?"

"Could this man be a martial artist?"

The skills displayed by the young man had intimidated these gangsters.

Petrified, every one of them stared un bl in ki ng ly at the young man in front of them.

The gangsters were adept at fighting but the fights with their opponents only involved the use of fists and legs.

They had never seen skills like these being used in their fights.

A single step of the foot could bring about a sandstorm and sent pebbles up in the air.

A pebble could even be struck into a tree with just the flick of a finger!

The leader of the bunch of gangsters finally realized that the young man was a high level martial artist and started pleading with him, "Ma...Master...please... please spare us. It's our fault for not recognizing who you are and offended you..."

"We promise never to do this again!” "Please have mercy on us and spare us!'

The few of them begged for their lives.


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