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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1390

Lv Hua continued to stand in front of Qiu Mu-Cheng with his hands in his pant pockets and a charming smile on his lips.

His handsome face seemed to exude a classiness and arrogance that he was born with.

The light breeze caused the hair on his forehead to move slightly.

For that one moment, Qiu Mu-Cheng thought that the person waiting for her at the door wasn't Lv Hua, but the young man named Ye Fan.

Qiu Mu-Cheng stood in a daze for a long time.

Lv Hua's voice finally snapped her out of it.

"Miss Qiu, so...are you willing to have a meal with me?” asked Lv Hua again.

Qiu Mu-Cheng didn't reply that question and asked another instead, "Have you been waiting here all this while?”

Lv Hua nodded. "I've been here since I saw you enter the office all the way until you've knocked off work."

Qiu Mu-Cheng turned her head away slightly and she avoided his gaze. "Mr Lv, you don't have to do this. You're making me feel bad. But since you're so sincere, I really shouldn't turn you down anymore. Let's go then. I have some questions to ask you about Ye Fan's matter as well." Qiu Mu-Cheng eventually agreed to go for dinner with Lv Hua.

Lv Hua had booked an expensive restaurant that served western cuisine.

Several waitresses in white blouses and black skirts came to welcome them when they appeared at the entrance to the restaurant.

"Young Master Lv, you're here. We've arranged everything according to your instructions”

"Good. Thanks for the hard work," Lv Hua nodded.

"It's only right of us to do so," replied one of the waitresses. She then looked at Qiu Mu-Cheng and smiled. "This lady over here must be the star tonight, right? She is indeed a ravishing beauty. We hope that the both of you will leave happy memories here tonight."

This waitress had a honeyed tongue and everything she said made one feel at ease inside.

The two of them followed the waitress into the restaurant.

It was dinner time and they were in the heart of the city, but this restaurant was actually completely empty.

The quiet restaurant was filled with only the sound of melodious music.

A faint refreshing smell of wood floated within the place.

An extravagant crystal chandelier cast a warm and gentle light which made the entire restaurant look a little dreamy.

Even the most unsettled heart would feel at peace in such an environment.

If Qiu Mu-Cheng had come here in happier times, she would have felt particularly relaxed and would have enjoyed herself.

But she couldn't find it in herself to feel happy at all now.

On the contrary, the atmosphere of this place made her particularly unhappy.

This was clearly a good place for couples to enjoy a romantic dinner together, so it was really inappropriate to bring someone who had just lost their beloved husband like Qiu Mu-Cheng to such a place.


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