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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 142

The seconds ticked by.

And soon, the five minutes would be up.

However, outside the restaurant, things remained calm. Apart from the bustling tourists, there was no sign of anybody else.

Zhao Li-Chun remained seated. And as he leisurely munched on some peanuts, he continued to hug his female companion.

As for Ye Fan, he was as composed as ever. With his hands stuck in his pockets, he waited quietly as the seconds ticked by.

"You bastard. You are a good actor, aren't you?"

"Let's see how long you can keep up this act?"

Zhao Li-Chun snorted as he looked disdainfully and mockingly at Ye Fan.

From the very beginning, he had never taken Ye Fan seriously. So, naturally, he did not believe that Master Lei San would actually come to the restaurant. The only reason why he was keeping Ye Fan company was because he wanted the latter to break his own legs.

After all, if Zhao Li-Chun let his men break Ye Fan's legs, then they might encounter some trouble later on if their victim filed a report with the authorities.

But if Ye Fan broke his legs of his own volition, then even the police would not be able to find fault with them.

Finally, the hands on the clock reached seven o' clock and thirty-five minutes.

Zhao Li-Chun smiled and said, "Country bumpkin, your five minutes is up."

"But your Master Lei San did not come."

"Go on, break your own legs."

"You are just a lowly country bumpkin. How dare you show off in front of me?" "This is your end." Zhao Li-Chun smiled lightly. He continued to munch on the peanuts and caress his female companion.

And Ye Fan smiled in return. "Yes, that's right. The five minutes is up."

"And your life is about to end as well."


"You bastard! Do you have a death wish?"

Ye Fan's words caused the gangsters to erupt in anger. Their patience was at an end. When Zhao Li-Chun barked an order, all of his underlings rushed forward at Ye Fan.

However, at this moment, the roar of car engines rang out from outside the restaurant.

The earth trembled and the sound of tires screeching on the ground resounded through the air.

Immediately afterward, the door to the restaurant was kicked open with a loud


And then a mass of men swept into the lobby like a tide of lava. Their leader was a man with a crew cut.

Zhao Li-Chun's men were greatly shocked by the intrusion. The vampish-looking woman was so frightened that she jumped up and started scolding the intruders.

"Where did these ignorant fools come from!”

"This is Mr. Zhao's turf, so how dare you..."

But when Zhao Li-Chun saw the leader of the intruders, a horrible change came over his expression and a tremor ran through his body. Right away, he jumped up from his seat and slapped the vampish-looking woman to the floor.

"Mr. Zhao, what are you doing?” The woman's eyes reddened and she nearly wept as she clutched at her face.

"Screw you! Shut your stupid mouth!" Zhao Li-Chun scolded.

At this moment, he was so frightened that he nearly wet his pants. Without further delay, he hurried forward and greeted the new arrival with a respectful smile.

"Mr. Yu, what an unexpected surprise?"

"You should have told me you were coming. I would have prepared a reception for you. With plenty of good food, good wine and beautiful women!”

"But you came without any warning, so I was not able to prepare anything for your arrival."

Zhao Li-Chun put on a fawning look as he spoke to the man with the crew cut, and there was no trace left of the arrogance he had exhibited toward Ye Fan.

It could not be helped. The person called "Mr. Yu" was a favorite of Master Lei San, and he had been put in charge of several counties. And it was thanks to Mr. Yu's protection that Zhao Li-Chun was able to thrive in Anning County.

Privately, the two got along well and they often associated with each other.

Zhao Li-Chun had also personally recruited a number of beauties and delivered them to Mr. Yu.

However, the moment Zhao Li-Chun had finished speaking, the crew-cut man kicked him in the stomach and sent him sprawling to the floor.


"You should be preparing for your death!”

"You reckless fool! You don't give a damn who you offend, do you?" the crew-cut man scolded.

Zhao Li-Chun looked dumbfounded as he laid sprawled on the floor. He wanted to ask what was going on, but he was not even given the chance to do so.


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