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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 143

In the end, Zhao Li-Chun was taken away. The only things awaiting him in the future were the merciless sentencing from the court and long days of darkness in prison.

Most likely, Zhao Li-Chun himself had not expected that a country bumpkin, somebody he had looked down on, would turn out to be the one to seal his doom.

He had treated Ye Fan's warning as nonsense but, as it turned out, the words were a prophecy. In the end, Zhao Li-Chun could not escape his fate of serving a lengthy sentence in prison.

Before he left the restaurant, Ye Fan's aweinspiring words continued to ring in his ears.

"There are hidden dragons, even in the hinterland!"

"I may be poor, but I am puissant!!!"

"Hahaha! Indeed! There are hidden dragons, even in the hinterland-" "Well said!


"I, Zhao Li-Chun, have misjudged you~"

He looked heavenward and sighed heavily. Tears started to stream down from his eyes and his piteous laughter resounded through the surrounding area.

Nobody knew just how much regret Zhao Li-Chun was feeling at this moment.

If he had known earlier that Ye Fan enjoyed such power and influence, he would never have challenged the latter no matter what.

However, there was no "if" in life.

Sometimes, a person's success or failure was decided in the blink of an eye.

Take today for example. If Zhao Li-Chun had not been blinded by greed and if he had not agreed to help Liu Jia-Wei deal with Ye Fan, he would not have found himself in such a sad state.

When he was being carried away, the surrounding onlookers could not help but sigh feelingly.

To think, the pathetic person before them had been swaggering around like a king just a mere half an hour ago.

Life was full of unexpected circumstances.

Now that the matter at the restaurant had been settled, there was no reason for Ye Fan to stay. So he went along with Lei San to the hall where the tournament would be held.

The Mount Tai Hall was located at the foot of the mountain, where it towered over the surrounding area. It had been constructed with the intention of using it as an arena for underground boxing matches and, indeed, it had served that purpose. Forthat reason, the building occupied a huge area. The hall was luxurious and its dome looked like a gigantic sword thrusting upward toward the sky.

"Mr. Chu, these are the clothes you wanted. I got somebody to deliver them here."

Earlier, Ye Fan's clothes had gotten soaked with wine when he was dealing with Zhao Li-Chun and his men. Afterward, he had asked Lei San to bring him a change of clothes.

Right now, he was wearing a white short sleeve shirt, a black sports jacket and a pair of Nike running shoes.

"Mm, not bad. The shoes fit me perfectly." It was Ye Fan's first time wearing a pair of branded sports shoes and, indeed, it felt comfortable on his feet.

Once he had changed into his new clothes, Ye Fan said nonchalantly, "Alright, you go ahead first."

Lei San was confused. "Mr. Chu, aren't you going to enter the hall with me?"

VIPs, such as themselves, had their own exclusive passageway. But it seemed that Ye Fan had no intention of entering the arena with them.

"No. I will be using the regular passageway. I am going to look for some friends of mine," Ye Fan replied.

When Lei San saw that Ye Fan had made up his mind, he did not question the latter further.

"Since you have decided to meet up with your friends, I will not impose on you further. I will go to the venue before you. But Mr. Chu, you have a match later on, so please do not be late. The survival of Jiangdong rests solely in your hands."

And then Lei San continued to chat about other things. But when he saw that Ye Fan was getting impatient, he wisely shut up and hurriedly departed for the arena.

After he parted company with Lei San, Ye Fan turned around and left the place as well.

Just then, a white BMW drove toward the spot where Ye Fan and Lei San had been standing and came to a halt. Afterward, a peerlessly beautiful figure stepped down from the vehicle and started looking around the building for a parking spot.


But while the beauty was looking around, a slight frown suddenly appeared on her face. As she stared at the back of a passerby in front of her, she found herself slightly lost in a daze.

She could not explain why, but she felt that the person's back view greatly resembled Ye Fan's.

"Cheng-Cheng, what are you looking at? Have you found a parking spot?” Su Qian's head popped out of the car's window and started complaining at her friend.

"Mm mm, I am searching right now." Qiu Mu-Cheng pulled back her gaze from the passerby and started to help her friend find a parking spot.

But before she left, Qiu Mu-Cheng turned around again to take another look. Finally, she heaved a sigh inwardly.

What was wrong with her?


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