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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1426

In addition to the experienced staff that formed the usual lineup of interviewers was another young man.

He appeared rather young. In fact, compared to the other interviewers, he seemed terribly and inappropriately young.

He kept his head down, his eyes on his phone and his attention on his game during the entire interview.

His legs were propped up on the desk. From time to time, he would spew a few profanities as he cursed his teammates in the game he was playing. He was the exact image of an impudent and spoiled young master from a rich family.

In normal circumstances, such frivolous behavior would not have been allowed in a formal and serious interview.

Yet, it was puzzling that the other interviewers seemed oblivious to the young man's antics. They dared not speak a word of protest.

In fact, they would bring him tea every so often and treat him with the deference one would give a god.

It was clear from their actions that they were fearful of him and that they wished to remain on his good side.

It was a ridiculous sight to behold.

The experienced interviewers thought it absurd too.

But there was nothing they could do about it.

They were employees working for someone else. They had to swallow their pride. No matter how high they climbed up that corporate ladder, they were still just employees.

The young man was different though. He was part of the Ye family. The blood of the Ye family ran in his veins.

The upper management was filled with people who were either his uncles or his aunts.

The company was a family business and its building his home.

They were simply outsiders. They dared not offend this young master of the Ye family.

"Excuse me, do you have any other questions? If you don't, may I leave now?”

A quiet voice sounded in the room meekly.

It was Lin Yu-Han. She had been in the room for quite some time.

The young woman might have been really chatty and carefree when she had been talking to Ye Fan, but she appeared reserved before the row of interviewers who held her future in their hands.

She chose every word with extreme care.

That was life. It smoothened your edges and taught you tact and etiquette.

In fact, she shouldn't have asked that question at all.

But she had no choice.

She had been standing there for five minutes in silence.

She had answered everything that she had been asked.

The interviewers should have let her leave and gotten someone else in for their interview.

Instead, they had left Lin Yu-Han bewildered when they had not shown any intention of letting her leave.

Instead, they had let her stand there stupidly.

Exasperated, she had had to ask whether she could go.

"Please hold on a moment. Mr Ye has something to say," one of the interviewers said.

Lin Yu-Han nodded and continued waiting.

The room fell silent again. The only


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