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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1427

A chilly wind swept across the hall as a voice filled with cold fury filled the room.

Ye Jian and the others were startled by the unexpected voice.

Everyone turned towards its source. A slim figure appeared in their sight.

The man was young, slim and almost pretty.

An invisible force erupted from his person as soon as he appeared, sending everyone else in the room trembling uncontrollably.

Ye Jian, who had appeared fearless a moment ago, widened his eyes instantly. It was as if he was looking at a ghost.

His eyes seemed as if they were going to pop out of their sockets.

Fear and horror darkened his eyes and swelled inside him like a tsunami.


Before Ye Jian could finish what he was trying to say, the interviewers seated next to him had gotten to their feet.

They slammed their fists on the table and began yelling at the young man. "Who the hell are you? How dare you show such disrespect to Mr Ye? Guards, give this ruffian a good thrashing and throw him out of the building. Mufan Group isn't a place where you can do whatever you please!"

Their faces flushed as they thundered at the top of their voices. They were seriously pulling out all the stops to prove their loyalty to Ye Jian. After yelling at Ye Fan, they turned towards Ye Jian immediately and showered their attention on the latter. "Mr Ye, I hope that didn't scare you. Don't worry, we'll make sure he pays for his disrespect!"

The interviewers wouldn't stop cursing Ye Fan. Ye Jian, on the other hand, had slumped into a quivering heap.

In fact, Ye Jian had nearly had a heart attack when he had heard them calling Ye Fan a ruffian and had ordered the guards to beat him up and throw him out.

"What the hell! Are you trying to get me killed?" Ye Jian cursed as he kicked the interviewers hard and sent them sprawling on the ground. "You fools, how dare you disrespect my cousin? How dare you? I'm going to kill you! There's no Mufan Group without my cousin, and where would you be without Mufan Group? You should be kissing my cousin's feet. How dare you curse at him and tell him to get out! You're asking to be fired!"

Ye Jian wouldn't stop hitting the interviewers like a man gone mad.

Lin Yu-Han was stupefied by the sight before her.

She had no idea what had happened to the young master of the Ye family. He had seemed so smug and full of himself a moment ago. Why was he acting like a mouse that had just seen a cat?

Honestly, Ye Fan's sudden appearance had sent Ye Jian into sheer panic.

He had always been a little fearful of Ye Fan.

After all, Ye Fan had beaten him up on multiple occasions. He had even broken his leg once.

When he had grown older, he had abused his father's power and influence and had constantly pitted himself against Ye Fan and tried to make life difficult for the latter.

Then, during that particular new year, Ye Fan had shown what he was truly capable of. Figures of influence from all across Jiangdong had come to show their respect to the man. Ye Jian's fear of his cousin had amplified into full-blown terror. From that moment on, he had stopped all his antics and had never dared to cross Ye Fan again.

But here was Ye Fan, appearing suddenly, out of nowhere, and reprimanding him harshly. Ye Jian was naturally terrified. He was afraid that Ye Fan was going to break his leg again.

But no matter how terrified he was, he still approached his cousin and greeted him.


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