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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1428

"Miss Lin, please accept my apologies for what happened today. It's Mufan Group's fault that you've suffered such unpleasantness. On behalf of Mufan Group, I would like to extend our deepest and sincerest apologies to you." Having reprimanded Ye Jian, Ye Fan turned towards Lin Yu-Han and formally extended his apologies to the young woman.

He had been unaware of what had gone on before this. Nevertheless, Ye Jian was an employee of Mufan Group and had done something horribly wrong. Ye Fan had to apologize to Lin Yu-Han.

The young woman had fallen into a stunned daze after hearing what Ye Fan had said.

Frozen to the spot, she stared at Ye Fan with eyes filled with incredulity and shock.

She had not expected the young man whom she had felt sympathy for to be the true master and owner of Mufan Group.

Everything had happened too quickly. It felt too surreal, as if she were in a dream.

Was this man the legendary Mr Chu? Was he really the man who commanded Mufan Group?

Lin Yu-Han's eyes were colored with disbelief. She couldn't stop heaving. It must have been the shock. It was going to take her a long time to calm down.

After a long moment, she finally said in a trembling voice. "It's.Jt's alright. It's not your fault."

Ye Fan smiled at her.

He turned away and stared at the interviewers. "Continue the interview. But remember, Mufan Group only has one set of requirements when it comes to hiring. We only hire workers who are talented and capable. No one is going to get into Mufan Group because they know someone in the company. Do you understand?"

Ye Fan's voice was filled with unyielding authority.

The interviewers nodded profusely. They dared not utter a single word at all.

Having said that, Ye Fan turned and looked at Ye Jian. "You, follow me. We're going to the chairman's office."

Then, he turned and left.

Ye Jian kept his head down as he followed Ye Fan out of the room hurriedly.

Yang Xiao, who had been waiting outside, hurried up to Ye Jian when he saw the latter step out of the room.

"What's wrong with you, Jian? You look terrible? Did you lose a game because your teammates weren't good enough? Don't worry, your Brother Xiao will help you win the next round!" said Yang Xiao concernedly.

Yang Xiao and Ye Jian had known each other since they had been kids. But Yang Xiao were a few years older than Ye Jian. That was why Ye Jian addressed Yang Xiao as Brother Xiao.

"Oh, right. Jian, how did it go? Did Yu-Han agree to your offer?" asked Yang Xiao nervously.

Ye Jian didn't answer him and instead gave him a hard, desperate look that clearly meant that Yang Xiao should leave right now.

Yang Xiao didn't get the message.

"Jian, what's wrong with your eyes? Are you unwell?" asked Yang Xiao as he approached Ye Jian, ready to take a closer look at his eyes. That was when he noticed Ye Fan. A look of pure contempt appeared on his face. "Why is this punk still here? Jian, this guy out to cause trouble. Why didn't you get someone to throw him out?"

"Oh my god! Shut the hell up!" Ye Jian's face turned pale when he heard that. He was so angry he slapped Yang Xiao.

"Jian, what the hell are you doing?" Yang Xiao cupped his cheek with his palm and stared stupidly at his friend.

"What am I doing? I'm going to kill you, that's what! Before you get me killed!" yelled Ye Jian furiously before he gave Yang Xiao another slap across his other cheek. How he wished he could kill this

man right now.

Yang Xiao was the one who had gotten him into this entire mess.

He wouldn't have been fired and blacklisted by Mufan Group otherwise.

Now, Ye Fan had caught them both red-handed.


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