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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 147


"He ran away?”

"Mr. Chen, so this is the calibre of the fighter you hired?”

"Did he come here to make us laugh?"

"He ran away without throwing a single punch?"

"Isn't he just a piece of trash then!"


When he found out that Xing He had been scared off, Zhao Wu-Ji burst out laughing right away.

And even though he was laughing hard enough that his sides ached, Zhao Wu-Ji did not forget to ridicule Chen Ao.

His laughter rang out so loudly that even the surrouding spectators could hear him.

All at once, many people in the crowd shook their heads and started discussing the matter among themselves. When Zhao Wu-Ji's underlings looked at Chen Ao, their eyes were filled with disdain. This time, Chen Ao had truly embarrassed himself.

And he knew that. Just then, Chen Ao had a most terrible expression on his face.

He turned around, glared at Li Er and scolded: "Li Er, what kind of fool have you found for me!”

"What the hell is going on?"

Chen Ao shook with rage. He wished he could just slap Li Er to death.

If he had known this was going to happen, he would never have listened to Li Er.

What an incompetent bungler!

No doubt, due to Li Er's mistake, Chen Ao had suffered a great loss of face.

The former was aware of his mistake and so, with a pained expression on his face, Li Er bowed his head and accepted Chen Ao's scolding in silence.

After all, he had been the one to find Xing He.

The latter had been his sister's teacher for over a decade and enjoyed various honors in Yunzhou. He was also renowned among traditional martial artists.

But Li Er had not imagined that he would be so useless!

Although the Taiji grandmaster had been doing a lot of bragging, he had ended up running away at such a crucial moment.

But Li Er could not blame Xing He.

Although the latter was the successor of the Taiji Fist and the headmaster of a martial art school, his martial art style was more like a performing art than a fighting art.

Xing He's Taiji Fist was good enough for teaching small children and public performances, but it was obviously inadequate against a hardened killer like Wu He-Rong.

He had wet his pants in fear when he saw Wu He-Rong perform his jump from a height several dozen meters above ground level. Not only had the latter penetrated the ground with his feet, he had also managed to remain completely unscathed.

At that moment, Xing He had been sure that he would die if he were to fight Wu He-Rong.

Which was more important to him? His reputation or his life?

Obviously, the latter was more important to Xing He.

So he had disregarded everything else and ran away.

But now, both Li Er and Chen Ao were troubled by Xing He's disappearance.

"Mr. Chen, I am sorry. I have trusted the wrong person," Li Er said guiltily.

Chen Ao glared at him and snorted coldly. Clearly, Chen Ao was still angry and he ignored Li Er completely.

Instead, he turned to look at the gleeful-looking Zhao Wu-Ji and said coldly: "This time, I have placed my trust in the wrong person and made a fool of myself. But Mr. Zhao, don't be too happy yet. It is not too late to celebrate after your fighter has defeated Zhao Wu-Ji."

Chen Ao's voice was frosty cold.

When Zhao Wu-Ji heard this, he laughed mockingly. "Mr. Chen, this is none of your concern. You should mind your own business first."

Afterward, Zhao Wu-Ji walked forward to elderly soldier, who had been resting his eyes. And then he said respectfully, "Chief Instructor Meng, may I know what are your chances of beating Wu He-Rong?"

Meng Bai-Chuan said nothing. But he opened his fierce-looking eyes and a majestic presence emanated from them.

Just then, Zhao Wu-Ji felt that he was not standing in the presence of a vigorous old man, but an entire army! The old man's presence was so overpowering that Zhao

Wu-Ji could not help but take a few steps back.

"Mr. Zhao, prepare my tea for me."

"It will just take me a moment!"

In the next moment, Meng Bai-Chun stood up and stepped toward the stone platform.

As he looked at the elderly soldier's imposing-looking back, Zhao Wu-Ji was immediately stunned. Meanwhile, Meng Bai-Chuan's awe-inspiring words continued to swirl around in his ears.

Zhao Wu-Ji was not the only one affected by the elderly soldier. Many among the spectators were also overwhelmed by Meng Bai-Chuan's awe-inspiring words.



"In ancient China, Guan Yun-Chang slayed Hua Xiong before his cup of wine had time to cool down."

"Today, Meng Bai-Chuan will defeat He-Rong in the time it takes to boil a cup of tea!"


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