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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 148

Outside the hall, the traffic on the road flowed incessantly while the pedestrians continued to crowd the pavements.

Faraway in the horizon, dark clouds could be seen gathering in the sombre sky.

For the past two days, the rain had refused to fall.

At this moment, the little county town at the foot of Mount Tai was as peaceful as it had always been.

But just how many people would actually know that, right now, a death match was taking place within the Mount Tai Hall.


As everyone looked on, the fists of the two opponents collided together with a loud boom.

And the heavy sound exploded like muffled thunder in everybody's ears.

After the two fists had collided together, the spectators only heard a crackling sound. And the next thing they saw was the sight of Meng Bai-Chuan's broken arm drooping uselessly from his shoulder. All the bones in his right hand and arm had been shattered during the collision.


Meng Bai-Chuan let out a heartrending scream and the sound shocked all the spectators in the hall.

But breaking the elderly soldier's arm did not slow down Wu He-Rong's punch, and it continued to speed forward until it landed on the Meng Bai-Chuan's chin.

It was a beautiful upper-cut!

Wu He-Rong's upper-cut threw Meng Bai-Chuan's nearly four hundred pound body into the air. Meawhile, a stream of blood and teeth fountained from the latter's mouth.

Immediately after he had blown his opponent away, Wu He-Rong stomped his foot on the ground and jumped.

He soared like an eagle, twisted his body while in midair and kicked out hard.


The heavy kick connected forcefully with Meng Bai-Chuan's chest and his rib cage shattered with a crackling sound.

And then, as everyone looked on in shock, Meng Bai-Chuan flew backward through the air like a kicked puppy.

An instant later, nearly four hundred pound of flesh and bone crashed through the sturdy wall of Mount Tai Hall.

As the high wall of the hall broke apart, Meng Bai-Chuan's bloodied body flew out of the hall and landed on the street outside.

With a loud bang, he crashed onto the ground and started to spew out blood.


Just then, a heavy truck sped by and ran over Meng Bai-Chuan's body.

By the time Zhao Wu-Ji and his men reached the scene, all they could find was just a badly mutilated corpse. When they carried it into the hall, the body had become a mass of unrecognizable flesh.

Deathly silence~

The hall had become dead quiet.

As they looked at the mutilated corpse of Meng Bai-Chuan, none of the spectators could make a sound.

Only the chilly night wind continued to rush noisily into the hall through the hole in the wall.

Zhao Wu-Ji was dumbfounded.

All the spectators were panicking so much that they were rendered speechless.

Unexpectedly, Meng Bai-Chuan, the man who had just bragged about replicating the miraculous feat of General Guan, had died after taking just two punches and one kick from his opponent!

He had not even had the time to scream before getting squashed by the heavy truck. Now, all that was left of him was a mass of bloody pulp.

"This Wu He-Rong. Just... just how strong is he?"

Many spectators had turned considerably pale as they sat there dumbfounded.

As for Zhao Wu-Ji, he had been struck dumb by the turn of events and there was a most terrible expression on his face.

He stood there in a daze as he looked down at the mangled corpse of Meng Bai-Chuan. He felt as if he had just been slapped in the face. Right now, he was blushing bright red and he felt so ashamed that he wished the ground would open up and swallow him.

Just a moment ago, not only had he called Meng Bai-Chuan a living Guan Yun-Chang, but he had also claimed that his hired fighter would replicate General Guan's miraculous slaying of Hua Xiong. However, immediately after his boast, Wu He-Rong had kicked Meng Bai-Chuan out into the street. And then the latter had died a horrendous death when he got ran over by a heavy truck.

Zhao Wu-Ji was struck dumb by such a huge twist in the plot.

Until now, he still could not accept what had just happened.


"This is too funny!"

"Damn it! Zhao Wu-Ji, is this the living General Guan you were talking about?”

"Is this the god damn chief instructor of the armed forces? The one you spent a hundred million to hire?"

"It took just two punches and one kick to kill him."

"Wasn't he just a moron?" "What a freaking noob!' "The only thing he managed to do tonight was to disgrace himself~"

Li Er and the other Jiangdong leaders were laughing so hard that their sides ached. At the same time, they did not forget to do their best to ridicule Zhao Wu-Ji.

Chen Ao also laughed heartily: "Haha~"

"Somebody, go get the coffin Mr. Zhao prepared for tonight. We can use it to hold Chief Instructor Meng's corpse.”

"Mr. Zhao truly has the gift of foresight. He knew his hired help was a freaking noob and would definitely die during the match, so he has prepared a coffin for this occasion."


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