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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1521

"Is that so?" Ye Fan laughed mirthlessly in the face of Wei Luo's threats.

"In that case, I'm going to just sit here and wait. I'm going to see what this supposedly powerful family of Zhonghai is going to use to kill me” His resolute words and majestic voice shook the entire hall like gold clattering to the floor.

Ye Fan then took a seat again.

He looked like he was really prepared to fight the Wei family of Zhonghai head on this time.

"Fine! That's what you said! If you run before my family arrives, then you're not a man!” Wei Luo purposely tried to agitate Ye Fan.

Initially, Wei Luo was afraid that Ye Fan might find a chance to escape before his family got here, but Ye Fan's words were exactly what he hoped to hear.

But Xu Lei couldn't help but worry, so she tried to advise Ye Fan softly, "Fan, don't fall for his tricks. He's trying to agitate you into staying here. If Wei Luo has already called his family for help, I'm sure the Wei family will be well prepared before coming. We're not prepared for this at all, so if we fight the Wei family head on like this, we might suffer losses instead. Fan, I think we should avoid trouble for now and take time to plan a counterattack. The Wei family is really no ordinary family. Even the Lu and Xur families didn't dare to provoke them in the past."

It was precisely because Xu Lei had an understanding of the Wei family, she became wary and worried.

She was really afraid that the whole situation would reach the point of no return.

She knew that Ye Fan would really fight the Wei family head on, and that would cause a huge uproar within China.

That was exactly the situation that Xu Lei didn't want to see.

She didn't want to see him fight and fall out with others anymore.

Wherever war broke out, there would be casualties, and one side had to concede defeat.

Even though Ye Fan always emerged victorious all these years over numerous battles, Xu Lei was really afraid that one day, he would be the defeated one.

So she tried her best to avoid getting into any conflict with any party that was very powerful.

But fate often had a way of playing with people's lives.

The thing that Xu Lei was most worried about happened despite her best efforts.

"Lei, you don't have to worry. This one tiny Wei family is nothing but an ant to me. From today onwards, I'm going to make sure the whole world knows that my younger sister is not someone to be trifled with!"

His thunderous voice carried a great amount of authority that caused a strong wind to howl through the living room. His dominance, heroism and prestige were contained in these words, causing everyone's hearts to tremble.

"Ha! Anyone can boast and say what they like! We're just ants? You're going to tell the world? Fuck you! You'll soon see how childish and ridiculous these words are to the Wei family!" Wei Luo continued to clench his teeth and berate Ye Fan even though he had been forced to kneel. He just hated how Ye Fan seemed so pretentious.

One commendable thing about Wei Luo was probably this pride of his. At least he didn't embarrass his family in that aspect.

But the rest of the people in the hall remained completely silent.

It seemed as though a solemn and oppressive air was weighing upon the Xu family estate.

It felt as though they were experiencing the strong winds that preceded an imminent storm.

They looked in shock and surprise at the young man who was still able to remain calmly seated.

They were really curious now. Was this young man from the countryside named Ye Fan really afraid of nothing at all?

Wei Luo already said that his family was on the way, but Ye Fan was still so calm and steady.

Was he really not going to plan his escape?

Was he truly confident of winning?

Or was he just putting up a brave front?

None of them knew the answer.

Meanwhile, miles away in Zhonghai, it was already evening time and the red sun was slowly setting in the west.

The river waters were dyed a dreamy red by the rays of the evening sun.

Huge ships sounded their horns loudly as they sailed down the river.

The roads of the city were full of cars.

Many pedestrians walked along the streets.

Zhonghai constantly reflected how busy and lively it was.


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