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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1522

Because of the nature of his job, the public didn't know much about Wei Guang and only knew him as the younger brother of the head of the Wei family.

But this name could strike fear in the hearts of the Wei family members.

This man was in charge of collating information from both within and outside of the family.

He collected information on all their business partners and rivals, and found out everything there was to know about them.

He also watched over everything the highest positions of the family said and did, and checked if they were doing anything illegal or improper.

Wei Guang's existence was a double edged sword.

He could both slaughter his own family as well as other potential threats coming from outside the family.

A large majority of the decisions that the Wei family made were done according to the information or suggestions that Wei Guang made.

That was how important this person was to the entire family.

On top of that, Wei Guang was impartial even to his own family. His own son had gone against the rules set by the family, so he had been removed from his high position, sent away from Zhonghai and transferred to a faraway place.

That was also why the Wei family was rather afraid of Wei Guang.

So when Wei Guang appeared in the meeting room, everyone immediately fell silent.

Many of them were wondering why Wei Guang was here at this time.

Had he caught hold of someone's weakness again?

"Looks like someone's in trouble again...”

Several members of the family murmured to themselves and shook their heads silently.

Wei Guang's presence never meant good news.

The last time he attended a meeting, it was to expose the deeds of an elder who was an uncle to Wei Guang.

Nobody knew who was next.

"Is everyone here?" asked Wei Chen in a deep voice as he took his position at the highest chair of the room and looked around.

The meeting room remained silent as nobody responded.

"I suppose everyone's here. In that case, Guang, you can start the meeting." Wei Chen left the rest of the meeting to his younger brother.

It was Wei Guang who wanted this meeting.

Not even Wei Chen knew what his brother wanted to say.

But judging from Wei Guang's tone of voice and expression, Wei Chen could guess that he had some very important information to announce.

Wei Guang walked to the front.

The atmosphere of the room grew tense and heavy even before he spoke.

"Everyone, sorry for the urgent meeting. But this is a very important matter, so I have no choice but to do this.” After saying a few words of formality, Wei Guang's voice grew icy.

He looked up at the rest of the people in the room and continued, "I'm not sure if you heard about how some time ago, the power balance in Yanjing went through a major change. Several powerful families and businesses had been wiped out or replaced."

A number of family members nodded after hearing this.

"We know about that. Some years ago, there was someone who called himself the King of Yanjing, wasn't there? I think they called him Mr Chu. The family that held the last place among the four great families of Yanjing, the Xu family, as well as one of the three up and coming families, the Xue family, both belong to him. Over the past few years, this Mr Chu has become more and more powerful within Yanjing, and he seems to command more and more authority."

"That's right. We've also heard that the current head of the Xu family, Xu Lei, is this Mr Chu's mistress."

"Over the last few years, this Xu Lei has become more and more ambitious and complacent with the support of Mr Chu."

"She actually tried to expand her business into Zhonghai last year."

"But the Wei family blocked her expansion, so after she apologized to us, she went back to Yanjing with her tail between her legs."


Some people in the meeting room started laughing merrily.

Their faces were filled with pride and arrogance.

Even those who weren't laughing smiled equally complacently. Their sense of superiority could be felt even without them saying anything.

They looked like they didn't have any regard for this Mr Chu or the Xu and Xue families at all.

The moment the Wei family put their foot down, they all had to obediently toe the line.

But Wei Guang shook his head. "I'm not talking about this. The Xu family is pretty powerful, but they are a fallen family and are no match for our family even at their peak. As for the Xue family, they're just nouveau riche and aren't worth my efforts to investigate personally. I'm here to talk about the Lu and Xur families."

Everyone was stunned by these words.


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