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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1523

Wei Guang was unsurprised by everyone's shock.

Even Wei Guang found it unbelievable when he learned of this previously.

"The fact is anything is possible. I have checked with several parties, so this information can't be wrong. The Lu and Xur families suddenly collapsed thanks to this man," Wei Guang spoke expressionlessly in a deep tone.

"That doesn't make sense. How can a young man be that powerful? Also, Jiangdong is just some backwater compared to Yanjing. How could someone from a tiny place like Jiangdong overturn the Yanjing elites? Don't tell me the young man comes from an even more powerful family? Could he be from the Mo clan?" asked someone from the crowd.

Very few families in China were capable of destroying the Lu and Xur clans outrightly, and the Wei family could barely be counted as one of them.

The other family was the Mo family, leader of the elites of Yanjing, which kept a low profile and was mysterious.

All these years, they were rarely involved in the mundane world's conflicts but kept their position as leader of the elite families in Yanjing.

Before the Wei family patriarch died, he visited Yanjing annually to pay his respects during the Lunar New Year.

Also, he said that no other family in China could compare to them other than the Mo family.

He warned all the Wei family's progeny to never provoke the Mo clan.

Regardless of how powerful the Wei family became, they kept a respectful distance from the Mo clan.

Hence, the Wei family had businesses all over the country except for Yanjing.

They were fearful of threatening the Mo family's interests.

Now that the Lu and Xur families were destroyed overnight, everyone naturally thought Ye Fan was related to the Mo family.

Wei Guang shook his head once more. "I investigated Mr Chu thoroughly. He comes from a very humble background. He was brought up in the countryside by his mother before he married into the Qiu family."

The entire Wei family was shocked to hear what Wei Guang said.

The eldest daughter of the Wei family, Wei Lu, opened her eyes wide in shock.

It was unbelievable that the man who destroyed two elite families in one fell swoop was from the countryside and a live-in husband.

Wei Lu found this information shockingly dramatic.

"D-doesn't this only happen in fiction?" asked Wei Lu gently with her voice trembling.

She was suddenly curious about the young man.

She really wanted to meet this legendary Mr Chu and find out what he was like.

Wei Lu wasn't alone. The rest of the Wei family felt the same way.

He had started out as a humble live-in husband but eventually trampled the Lu and Xur families under his feet. Anyone would have been shocked by this unexpected twist.

"Uncle, did you send Grandpa Han to handle someone called Mr Chu?" asked Wei Lu worriedly as she turned to look at Wei Chen when she suddenly recalled something.

Wei Chen waved his hand nonchalantly as he replied, "I told Grandmaster Han to take care of a Mr Chu from Yanjing. The man your father is talking about is a different the one from Jiangdong, so don't worry.”

Wei Lu nodded in relief.


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