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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1550

Tang Hao and the others rushed towards the God of War, anxious to have their questions answered.

The four great supreme grandmasters of China's War God Castle had gathered.

"I didn't find anyone suspicious-looking at all. Tang Hao, are you sure there's a supreme grandmaster in the vicinity?

Maybe you were mistaken." Ye Qing-Tian gave Tang Hao a look of uncertainty.

"That’s impossible!" Tang Hao shot back without hesitation before recounting what had happened a few hours ago to Ye Qing-Tian and the rest with a solemn look on his face. "I'm very certain that the person who exchanged blows with me was a supreme grandmaster. Judging from the person’s appearance, it was a woman. But she didn't seem very powerful. I managed to injure her. It was a pity that she managed to escape."

They had split up and searched the area. It was then that Tang Hao had bumped into a veiled person whom he believed had been a woman and had exchanged blows

with her.

"She shouldn't have gone far if she's injured. She must still be in the vicinity. We should split up and continue the search. Sound the signal if you find her. We have to do everything to find this person. She must have something to do with the strange phenomena!” Sword Saint's face, which was devoid of all emotion, belied the murderous intent in his cold voice.

They already expected a terrible sight to greet them since the magnitude of the explosion had been great, after all. But the devastation that they had witnessed upon their arrival had sent horror spiking through their veins.

The explosion had decimated an entire town and burned its population numbering more than a hundred thousand residents down to ashes.

It had been years since China had seen such terrible destruction.

During the last world war, battles in which the death count had surpassed ten

thousand had been few and far between.

"Sword Saint is right. We must find the person responsible for it and have her pay! These are Chinese citizens, not cattle for slaughter!" The King of Fighters, Mo Gu-Cheng tightened his fists and thundered, his voice filled with murderous rage. Just as they were ready to split up and continue the search, Mo Gu-Cheng appeared to sense something. He whirled around, throwing his fist forward as he yelled.

"Who is it? Who's there? Show yourself!"

The others raised their guards instantly, ready to unleash an attack at a moment’s notice. They were on high alert and taut with tension. To their wary eyes was an enemy lurking in every shadow.

With a deafening explosion, the King of Fighter's punch split the earth apart and sent dust and dirt yellowing the air.

Amidst the cloud of dirt and dust appeared a slim silhouette. The stranger walked out of the dust slowly and appeared before Ye Hing-Tian and the others.

"Ye Fan! Why are you here? Weren't you headed for..." a surprised Ye Qing-Tian exclaimed. He had been the first to recognize Ye Fan.

"Why do we see you everywhere? Nothing good happens when you're around!" Tang Hao said unhappily and with a sullen look on his face. Ye Fan was literally the War God Castle's nightmare. They had sent a great deal of effort persuading him to leave Yanjing. He couldn't believe they actually run into him here again.

"Ye Fan, be honest with us. Did you have anything to do with what happened here? Were you responsible for the deaths of ten thousand people in Yanyang?" Mo Gu-Cheng asked Ye Fan bluntly while the rest were still recovering from the shock of seeing Ye Fan here.

Mo Gu-Cheng's accusation had Ye Fan frowning. "You should have someone lop your head off if you have no use of it and the brains residing inside. Jingzhou is my home. You're the only brainless idiot who thinks I'll go on a killing rampage in my own home."

"You!" Ye Fan's rebuke nearly had Mo Gu-Cheng blowing up. "How dare you! You're just a young punk, how dare you speak to me this way! Do you really think I won't hit you because you're just a junior?"

"Stop. This isn't the time and place to be fighting among ourselves," the God of War said sharply before turning towards Ye Fan. "You're here to find out what happened, aren't you?"

"That’s right." Ye Fan nodded. "The explosion of fire-elemental energy waves happened without any warning. Something strange must have caused it."

"We think so too. We're trying to get to the bottom of this as well. Since you're here, we can split up and search the area. Be careful, Ye Fan. There's another supreme grandmaster in the vicinity. Sound a signal if you run into the supreme grandmaster," the God of War said.


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