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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1551

The vast heavens stretched infinitely above a devastated land. Ruins and charred earth were what remained of the tiny town. Yet, the mansion that stood before Ye Fan appeared perfectly undamaged.

A wintry wind with its biting cold swept past him.

For a very long time, the young man simply stood outside the doors to the mansion.

He finally pushed the door open, lifted his foot and stepped inside.

It was an old house, its emerald inlaid stone tiles scarred with the ravages of time.

Yet, despite its age, the place looked surprisingly clean and tidy.

Everything inside appeared to be placed neatly.

The steps leading down from the doors were clean and free from dust.

There was a hint of something refreshing in the air.

Yet, none of that mattered because the moment that Ye Fan had stepped into the house, his eyes had been drawn towards a single spot and had not moved away.

Where his gaze fell stood a lovely young woman.

He could only see her back. Nevertheless, she carried herself with an unearthly grace that instinctively drew one towards her and inspired a deep longing for her.

She stood there silently like a solitary plum blossom, proud and fearless as it braved the snow and bloomed in spite of the harsh cold.

"You've come.” Her voice easing into the brief silence gently, as if she were greeting an old friend.

As she spoke, she turned around and returned Ye Fan’s gaze. Her fingers plucked at the veil hiding her face.

Soft silk slid away, revealing her heavenly beauty before Ye Fan's eyes.

Her lips were the color of fire and her eyes as dark as night. Her hair spilled down her back like ink staining her dress.

She might be the gods' most beautiful work of art.

The beauty of the moon and the stars seemed dim in her presence.

The sun itself seemed momentarily dazzled by her beauty.

Some were simply born into beauty and could mesmerize all by simply standing there.

No one noticed the flicker of happiness that had surfaced in the young woman's eyes when they had first fallen on the young man before her.

They stared into each other's eyes as they stood in the mansion.

At that moment, they seemed so near yet

so distant.

The wind ruffled the hems of their clothes and stirred their hair.

A long bout of silence descended upon them.

No one could imagine the emotional upheavals hidden beneath the veneer of silence.

Even Ye Fan, who was level-headed and hardened by life, had felt waves of emotion swell inside his long-frozen heart when his eyes had landed on the young woman before him.

His heart had nearly melted when he had heard what she had said. You've come.

That was all it took to soften a man’s heart.


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