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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1553

The wintry winds howled.

Ye Fan's icy words were torn into shreds by the incoming wind.

He did not linger. Having spoken his piece, he turned and left, his slim form disappearing from Tang Yun's vision within moments, leaving her standing alone, all by herself, between the vast heaven and earth.

The wind swept across the vast lands, whipping her long dark hair into a frenzy.

Tang Yun stood in silence. Ye Fan's words lingered in her head and filled her ears. He never wished to see her again.

Those few curt words were like a thousand daggers piercing Tang Yun's heart.

It hurt so much.

So, this was what it felt like to have one's heart ripped into shreds.

There had been a moment when Tang Yun had been seized by the impulse to tell Ye

Fan everything.

She had wanted to tell him why she had come to Jingzhou and to tell him that they now had a child.

But in the end, she hadn't said a single word.

When she had heard Ye Fan utter those final, cruel words, she had been struck by a sudden realization. It wouldn’t have mattered.

She didn't want Ye Fan's pity. She didn't need to use their child to hold him hostage.

What she longed for was a person who truly cared for her.

She didn't need someone who showed her care or concern out of obligation or any other reasons.

Perhaps the dejection or the sorrow was too much for her.

Tears slowly streamed down Tang Yun's cheeks, breaking into separate droplets as they slid off her chin. They were pearls strung by an invisible thread that glittered sharply in the sunlight and elicited a stabbing pain in one's heart.

Meanwhile, in the Ye family mansion in Jingzhou.

It was night. The mansion was brightly lit with lights.

Ye Yu-Yan and the rest of the Ye family were gathered around the table, sharing dinner.

They wouldn't stop playing with the baby in Ye Xi-Mei's arms as they ate.

"Look at his smooth cheeks. He looks adorable! Sis, are you sure this isn't Fan's child? Look at his eyes and his chin. They're Fan's eyes and chin! They look so alike," said Ye Fan's aunt, Ye Xi-Lan, merrily as she pinched the baby's rosy cheeks.

Ye Xi-Mei sighed. "That's what I think too.

This child looks so much like Fan when he was a kid. But he should know better than us whether this is his kid. He didn't seem like he was lying. Besides, Mu-Cheng isn’t here and we're all family. If this was some illegitimate child that was a result of an affair, he wouldn't hide it from his own mother."

Ye Xi-Mei was in her forties. Many married women her age were now grandmothers.

She had asked Qiu Mu-Cheng subtly if the young woman had plans to have children.

The answer that she had gotten had been disappointing.

Ye Fan and Qiu Mu-Cheng had been married for years but Qiu Mu-Cheng had shown no signs of pregnancy for so long. No one was more anxious than Ye Xi-Mei.

However, if Qiu Mu-Cheng had no plans to have children, there wasn't anything that Ye Xi-Mei could do but keep her unhappiness to herself.

The arrival of this child had undoubtedly kept Ye Xi-Mei in good cheer for quite some time.

She had thought that she was now a grandmother.

But the happiness bubbling inside her had burst upon hearing Ye Fan's denial.


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