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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1552

Ye Fan couldn't understand the derision and resentment in Tang Yun's tone. That wasn't the tone the sect leader of Chu Sect should be taking. In fact, she sounded like a wife who had suffered the bullying of her husband.

Ye Fan couldn't understand why the sect leader of a powerful sect and the most powerful person on the Sky Ranking would massacre hapless, innocent men and women. A hundred thousand men and women had turned to dust. It was an act that left Ye Fan feeling cold.

"Is that so? You won't let me off? Mr Chu certainly lives up to his name of being the lord of Jiangdong! The almighty Mr Chu indeed! Pray tell, what do you intend to do to me?" Mockery twisted Tang Yun's lips as a hard glint flashed across her eyes. She stared straight into the eyes of the young man before her. "So, you want an explanation. You shall have it then. I didn’t kill them for any reason. I was simply in a foul mood. How's that explanation for you? Does it please you?"

Tang Yun stood proudly in the mansion.

The look on her face was colored with resentment and fury. In fact, she sounded like she was sulking.

"Tang Yun, don’t push me too far!" Ye Fan spat his words out as he tightened his fists.

"You think I'm pushing you?" Tang Yun laughed softly. "Am I pushing you too far? Alright then. Maybe you should know that I'm not going to stop at leveling this town. I'm going to kill everyone in Jingzhou and everyone in Jiangdong. I'm going to destroy the Ye family home and kill your family. I want you, you heartless beast, to have no home and no one to return home to!"

A sudden harsh wintry wind rose like the waves of a stormy ocean all around them, sending dust, dirt and stone flying in the mansion and shattering the tiles on the roof.

Ye Fan took a step forward and roared loudly, his words booming like thunder. "How dare you, Tang Yun! Jiangdong is my turf and Jingzhou my home. My family

lives here. I'll crush you if you hurt them!”

Ye Fan’s eyes were cold and hard and his voice filled with thunderous fury.

A murderous rage enveloped him.

He tightened his fists and snarled, "Tang Yun, don't make me kill you!"

The threat sent the land shaking and the temperature plummeting. Every stone, leaf and branch in the mansion froze.

Ye Fan's fury was palpable.

Everyone had something or someone that they would risk everything to protect.

To Ye Fan, his family was that someone.

Tang Yun had done the unforgivable and threatened the ones dearest to his heart. How could he not be enraged?

"Haha! That's exactly whom I want to kill and what I want to destroy! I will kill your family and destroy your home. Why should I show a heartless beast any mercy?" Tang

Yun continued to taunt Ye Fan and showed no signs of backing down despite the threat of violence in Ye Fan's words.

"You're asking for it!"

Ye Fan's fury finally erupted in a deafening explosion.

Waves of power surged from Ye Fan and flooded the mansion like a tsunami.

The land cracked while trees and grass alike were torn from their roots and sent flying.

The frenzied winds swept across the mansion like waves of a turbulent sea.

The power of a supreme grandmaster was in full display.

Yet, the young woman before Ye Fan simply stood quietly amidst his display of immense power.

There was no hint of emotion in her dark eyes or on her lovely face.

She simply stood there, her eyes staring straight at Ye Fan.

No one seemed to notice her eyes gradually turning teary.

"He's finally decided to strike me down,” thought the young woman to herself as her lips trembled.

The power swirling around Ye Fan was the exact measure of the depth of her despondency.

No one could have imagined a look of such despair to ever grace the face of the awe-inspiring sect leader of the Chu Sect who stood at the pinnacle of power.

Ye Fan had begun his attack.

The immense energy swirling on his palms transformed into hundreds of thousands of invisible blades.

It was as if he held hundreds of thousands of swords in his two hands.


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