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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1704

As Ye Fan left, the battle that shocked the world finally came to an end.

Although the fight didn't last more than a day, Aaron and the others felt like they had been through perpetual war.

They all breathed huge sighs of relief when they saw Ye Fan reaching an agreement with the Chu family.

“We're terribly sorry, everyone. It appears we will not be able to proceed with this wedding tonight. As a token of apology, we will invite you all to a banquet some other day.”

An elder from the Chu family stepped forward with one hand cupped in the other as he apologized to Aaron, King Folo, and the others.

It was the Chu family's way of hinting at them to leave as they were not in the mood to host them, especially after everything that had happened.

Naturally, the martial arts leaders understood that and returned to their respective countries after a brief exchange of pleasantries.

Nobody expected for a grand banquet like this to nearly result in the extermination of the Chu family.

Although the banquet had to be canceled, people like Aaron and King Folo were satisfied that they were able to witness such a great battle.

As the guests dispersed, peace and quiet returned to Mount Chumen after an entire day of chaos.

The survivors from the Chu family stayed back to clean up the mess and treat the wounded.

“Where's Qitian? Where's my son?”

It wasn't until everyone left that Chu Zhengliang thought about his son.

However, he couldn't seem to find Chu Qitian anywhere despite searching all over Mount Chumen.

Right as Chu Zhengliang was on the verge of losing his mind, someone from the Chu family walked up to him and whispered, “M-Mr. Chu, Ye Fan stomped your son into the ground earlier.”

“What? Where is he? Take me to him now! Hurry!” Chu Zhengliangyelled in shock when he heard that.

My wife has passed away a long time ago, so my son is alll've got left in this world. I put up with so much hardship over the years, all for the sake of clearing the obstacles so that Chu Qitian can have a bright future ahead of him. If he dies in this battle, then all of my efforts will have been in vain!

With that in mind, Chu Zhengliang anxiously followed his subordinate as he led the way.

“Your son is beneath this rubble, Mr. Chu. This is where Ye Fan stomped him into the ground. I'm not sure if he's still alive...” said the subordinate fearfully when they arrived at a heap of rubble.

Chu Zhengliang got so mad that he sent the subordinate flying with a kick after hearing that. “Why waste so much time telling me about it when you already know he's here? Get some more men here and start digging! I'll kill you all if anything happens to my son!”

The grunts were always the ones suffering the wrath of their bosses. Such was the way of the world wherever one went.

Chu Zhengliang wasn't able to defeat Ye Fan himself, and yet he blamed his subordinates for his son's predicament instead of his own inability.

Although the Chu family's guards resented him a lot for how he treated them, they had no choice but to do as told.

After digging for what seemed like forever, they finally managed to retrieve Chu Qitian's near-lifeless body from the rubble.

“My son!”

It pained Chu Zhengliang to see his son covered in bloody wounds all over.

He was so consumed by anger and heartache that his eyes were bloodshot, and his nails were almost digging into Chu Qitian's flesh when he rushed over to hug him.

Chu Yuan was shocked when he saw that.

“l-ls that Qitian? Someone get him some immediate medical attention! Hurry!” he shouted anxiously.


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