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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 175

"Mum, how could you just accept a gift from him? Aren't you going to give it back?" Qiu Mu-Cheng frowned and sounded upset when she saw that her mother had actually accepted such an expensive gift from Sun Yu-Hao.

But Han Li got upset too.

"What did I do now? What's wrong with accepting something from my future son-in-law? I took so much effort to bring you up! Never mind that you didn't buy me a gold necklace - now that my future son-in-law has bought me one, you want to stop me from taking it! What sort of daughter are you! Worse than my son-in-law! Are you trying to drive me to my grave?!" Han Li's temper blew again and she started berating Qiu Mu-Cheng.

Sun Yu-Hao quickly tried to step in, "Mu-Cheng, it's alright. It's my first time meeting your parents so it's only right for me to give them something. It's not anything that expensive anyway, just one day's salary to me. At most, I'd just work an extra day and I'll make it all back again, so it's really alright."

Sun Yu-Hao looked like he was trying to explain things to Qiu Mu-Cheng, but he was really just bragging.

Those two gold pendants were made from pure gold and were probably worth ten to twenty thousand.

That was what he earned in one day?

Didn't that mean that this young man here was only in his twenties but his annual salary had gone over a million?!

Han Li and her husband were even more excited now. They looked even more kindly upon Sun Yu-Hao.

"Mu-Cheng, this is just my first gift to your parents. In the future, I will send them even more gifts and they'll be even more expensive than this. Of course, I won't only give your parents things, I'll give you things too. As long as want it, I'll even pick the stars for you!” Sun Yu-Hao said all these things in a low voice as he looked adoringly at Qiu Mu-Cheng. His words were so touching that even Han Fei-Fei felt her heart melt as she heard them.

"Hug him! Hug him!! Quickly!"

"Hug him, hug him..." Han Fei-Fei suddenly started chanting from the side.

Han Li and Qiu Lei saw that things were working out well and started to chant too.

Even the two security guards standing outside Mufan Real Estates started clapping and chanting along.

"Miss Qiu, hug him! Hug him!" Even the passersby started shouting along when they saw such a beautiful couple standing together.

Since the atmosphere was so infectious, Sun Yu-Hao smiled with a proud look on his face as he offered his arms to Qiu Mu-Cheng.

Sun Yu-Hao looked like he was a triumphant king bringing his beautiful queen home. His handsome face had the smile of a victor.

But just when Sun Yu-Hao was about to stretch his arms wide to receive Qiu Mu-Cheng into his embrace, the cold and gorgeous young lady standing outside the office door actually pushed Sun Yu-Hao aside.

"I'm sorry, but I'm already married."

After she pushed Sun Yu-Hao aside, everyone watched in shock as she walked towards an unnoticed corner without even looking back.

Her pretty heels clicked against the ground and the wind gently tousled Qiu Mu-Cheng's fringe.

Qiu Mu-Cheng demurely picked up her skirt and got onto Ye Fan's scooter.

"Ye Fan, let's go," Qiu Mu-Cheng said to Ye Fan with a chuckle.

Ye Fan nodded. "Alright, hold on tight!"


Ye Fan took his wife and drove off into the distance in no time.

The only ones left behind was a shocked crowd watching this unexpected turn of events and a very nasty looking Sun Yu-Hao.

"Mu-Cheng, come back now! This crazy girl! Is she trying to drive me to my grave?! She's rejected the lovely Benz here for that useless fellow's lousy scooter?! My gosh, I'm really going to die from a stroke someday!!" Han Li started losing her temper and yelled uncontrollably.


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