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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 176

"Look at how magnanimous Yu-Hao is! Someone with such good upbringing is certainly different, unlike someone who's from the countryside and only knows how to leech off others." Han Li started singing Sun Yu-Hao's praises again.

But since Sun Yu-Hao had put it that way, Han Li didn't make things difficult for Ye Fan anymore and let him come along.

"Mu-Cheng, go in with them first, I'll lock the scooter." Han Fei-Fei's words earlier had indeed reminded Ye Fan that it was better to lock it properly since nobody would be around to guard it.

"Alright, be quick about it. We'll be waiting in the main lobby,” replied Qiu Mu-Cheng before walking into the restaurant.

"Oh my! Isn't that the deputy mayor of Yunzhou?"

"The guy beside him is probably Peng Zhen-Ying, the general manager of Haiyuan Restaurant, right?”

Han Li and family went in and saw these big shots in the lobby.

Qiu Lei often watched the local news and was familiar with the leaders of the city, since they often appeared on TV.

This was the first time he was seeing someone so important up close. Qiu Lei got excited and went forward to say hello to them.

But neither the general manager, Peng Zhen-Ying nor the deputy mayor of Yunzhou even turned to glance at them once.

Someone as powerful as Peng Zhen-Ying in the corporate world wouldn't care for the likes of an ordinary citizen.

He couldn't be bothered at all.

"You silly old man! How could you dream of even talking to anyone so powerful!

Look what you got in the end! These are all big shots and we'll never get a chance to go near them," Han Li berated Qiu Lei while Qiu Lei continued to grin and didn't seem to think that what happened was embarrassing at all.

After all, it was only normal for big shots to ignore someone like him. That wasn't embarrassing.

Peng Zhen-Ying saw his guest to the door. "Mayor Wu, have a nice day.”

Peng Zhen-Ying had a bright and friendly smile on his face, and had a very different attitude towards his guest as compared to Qiu Lei earlier.

After seeing his guest out, Peng Zhen-Ying turned to return to the restaurant when he bumped head on into another person. The pain in his mouth made Peng Zhen-Ying start shouting angrily.

"Can't you see where you're going? Get lost! What a pain," Peng Zhen-Ying snapped with a hand over his mouth.

He had been knocked in the teeth.

"I'll give you a chance to rephrase yourself," a cold voice replied him from the front. The icy and sinister tone of voice frightened Peng Zhen-Ying so much that he shuddered.

He lifted his head and looked at the person in front of him.

When he realized who it was, Peng Zhen-Ying's face instantly paled.

"It's...it...it's...you?" Peng Zhen-Ying's mind went blank.

He would never forget how just over a month ago, the restaurant had received orders from Li Er to clear the place and they had to clear out everyone including government officials and business magnates.

He also remembered clearly that Li Er had told him an enormously important person was coming, so the restaurant had to be at its best. If they didn't do a good job, they might even die!

Peng Zhen-Ying had been so frightened that he stood personally at the entrance to wait for this special guest to arrive.

Peng Zhen-Ying still remembered the young man who had been escorted by so many luxury cars and stepped into the restaurant like he was the king.

Wasn't it this young man here?


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