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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1783

When He Yurou arrived home from school that night, Ye Fan notified her of their plan to leave.

“You're leaving so soon, Mr. Chu? Can't you stay a couple more days? Tomorrow's my day off. I would have the time to bring you around then.”

Crestfallen, He Yurou persuaded him to delay his departure.

“I can't, Yurou,” Ye Fan said with an apologetic smile. “I've troubled you enough over the past couple of days, and I still have matters to attend to in Jiangdong which forces me to return tonight.

“Can't you stay for just one more day?” she pleaded. “It was fate that had brought us together in a place far from home. I didn't even get to spend any time with you and you're already telling me you have to go!”

I even had the whole of tomorrow planned!! was going to take him to the movies, have a large meal, and then wander the city aimlessly.I was really looking forward to doing all of that and now Ye Fan tells me he has to leave!

The expectant glimmer in He Yurou eyes dimmed a little, which did not escape Ye Fan's notice.

Unbeknownst to her, he was not in the mood for sightseeing.

Having made up his mind to spend the night attempting to break through the border, Ye Fan was not going to change his plans just because he was beguiled into staying.

He Yurou gazed at Ye Fan's determined expression with dismay.

Once he leaves, who knows when I'll be able to meet him again...

At that discouraging thought, she drummed up the courage and tried her luck. “Would you like to catch a movie with me before you leave, Mr. Chu?

“I...” Ye Fan stammered, clearly taken aback.

It was evident that he was not expecting a request of that nature.

“Yurou, I'm afraid that I—” he began, finding the words for a gentle rejection.

“Oh, just go with Ms. He, will you?” Tang Yun interjected cordially. “It's pretty churlish to keep turning her down, Ye Fan.”

“But I...” Ye Fan's eyes started twitching.

“Please, Mr. Chu?” He Yurou turned her large, expectant eyes up to meet his.

In the end, Ye Fan nodded mutely. The intensity of both their gazes was too much for him to handle.

To be fair, He Yurou has been of help to us. It's only polite that I oblige to such an innocent request.

He Yurou was elated.

Without even finishing her meal, she bounded up the stairs to get dressed.

“You're awfully generous on my behalf, huh?” Ye Fan grumbled once they were out of earshot. “Is this really the best time to be catching a movie?”

Tang Yun rolled her eyes. “Didn't you see how close to tears she was? You're hopeless. I don't understand how you got a woman to marry you. Besides, wanting to watch a movie with you isn't an unreasonable request after what she's done for us. You've seen how smitten she is with you. She may never recover from

your rejection for the rest of her life.”

Despite being famed for her cruelty throughout her tenure as leader of the Chu Sect, not many knew the gentle heart Tang Yun's tough exterior concealed.

Having loved a man herself, she understood all too well how He Yurou felt. Although Ye Fan was oblivious to the turmoil within He Yurou's heart, Tang Yun recognized the grief as something she had once experienced herself.

That poor girl. I know how it feels to love somebody who doesn't love you back. It's the least I could do for her.


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