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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1784

“You've slept together?” Jack stammered, his eyes wide with horror. “Impossible! I refuse to believe it. You wouldn't do this. You're only saying these things so that I would give up on you, aren't you?”

He Yurou's words had struck a chord with Jack. His handsome face contorted with pain as he grabbed her arm urgently.

I was hoping that she would be moved by my sincerity and finally say yes after pouring my heart out like that. What a bloody cruel way to reject me.

Having gained momentum, He Yurou's defiance did not falter. “Stop lying to yourself, Jack. If you were alone with me in a room like Ye Fan was last night, what did you think was going to happen? Besides, doesn't watching a movie together qualify as a couples' activity?”

“Shut your mouth!” Jack yelled with an outburst of sudden vehemence. “I refuse to believe it! You, my sweet angel, are the one I chose above all the rest. I do not believe for a second that you would get in bed with another man.”

Gesturing at Ye Fan, he added, “Besides, look at this broke idiot. How could you stoop to be with him when he's obviously so much poorer than I am?”

Jack became thoroughly unhinged as he pictured in his mind the image of the couple before him writhing in the sheets.

Anything can happen when two consensual adults are locked in a room together. If it were me, I wouldn't have been able to keep my pants on if I were alone with her.

Despite her claims and the raving thoughts going through his mind, Jack remained stubborn in his disbelief that HeYurou was no longer a virgin as she claimed.

At the same time, HeYurou was tired of trying to convince Jack. After ascertaining that he was watching, she stood on her tiptoe to kiss Ye Fan on the lips before clinging onto his arm in a coquettish manner.

“Let's go home and get into bed, Ye Fan.”

Without another word, they walked away arm in arm.

Jack was rooted to the spot. His chest heaved as he struggled to calm the furious pounding in his ribcage.

“Why, He Yurou?” he bellowed into the night. “Why did you have to break my heart? I've gotten nowhere after courting you for months, but this scoundrel gets you into bed with him the day after meeting you! You know how I feel about you! How could you still treat me this way?”

Overwhelmed by indignant rage, Jack nearly tore his hair out in frustration.

It took me so much time and effort just to be on speaking terms with He Yurou only to have this Ye Fan guy come along and ruin everything!

It did not take long for the indignant rage to fester into something worse.

You are the one that has forced my hand, He Yurou! If I can't have you, nobody can!

Jack's eyes glinted malevolently as he clenched his fists. A plan for vengeance yet unknown to even his men was forming in his head.

Meanwhile, having departed the entrance of the cinema long ago, Ye Fan and He Yurou did not know how Jack reacted, nor did they care.

Much like the journey there, He Yurou spent the journey back in silence. At last, she apologized sheepishly to Ye Fan after being unable to bear the embarrassment any longer.

“It's fine. I understand why you did it, Yurou. You just wanted to get rid of him. It was your first kiss, wasn't it? How unfortunate for you that it was with me.” Ye Fan chuckled at his joke in an attempt to assuage her discomfort.

“I must say, though,” he added, “you're terrifying when you're angry.”

I'd always been under the impression that He Yurou was the type of girl who would rather wipe her tears in secret than face a confrontation. It seems like I have been proven wrong tonight. Her dominance showed when she grabbed my neck to kiss me earlier.

He Yurou flushed a deeper scarlet at the compliment. “Do you prefer meek women or domineering ones, Mr. Chu?”


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