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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1786

A chilly gust of wind swept He Yurou's desperate sobs out of the window and into the night sky, rendering her pleas unheard.

Jack sat before her with a glass of red wine in his hand as he savored the sight of the girl's despair.

Despite being completely indifferent to me once, I now have her crying at my mercy.

Jack felt a savage burst of pleasure.

Forthe second time that night, the sound of the door being slammed open interrupted the occupants of the condominium.

The bitter wind permeated the room with menacing intent.

“Who's there?” Jack shouted in surprise. He leaped to his feet as his glass of wine fell with a shatter.

His men turned as one toward the source of the noise and found a thin silhouette standing at the door before them.

Half of his face was illuminated by a swinging lamp while the other half remained in shadow. The effect was deeply unnerving.

“You?” Jack exclaimed in recognition after getting over his initial shock.

His fear was replaced with a smile of disdain. “Just in time, you little sh*t. I have been looking all over for you. I'm going to teach you a lesson for stealing my woman. Get him!”

An especially large man lunged forward and swung his bat at Ye Fan.


The steel bat snapped clean off upon impact against the latter's forearm.

Jack was dumbfounded. “How is that possible? Is his body made of steel?”

In a panic, he ordered all of his men to advance simultaneously.

It made no difference to Ye Fan.

Despite being unable to harness his elemental force, his physical strength was enough to win many fights.

Within the span of half a minute, all of the thugs had been flung off the balcony with several decisive and forceful steps of Ye Fan's feet.

Finally, only Jack and Ye Fan remained in the large living room.

“How is that possible?” Jack repeated in a mixture of rage and shock. “Who the hell are you?”

Despite years of careful selection and curation, my army of elite bodyguards is now lying dead at the bottom of this building. Even professional boxers wouldn't have been able to do what he did and take out a dozen thugs in just as many seconds!

Ye Fan did not waste his breath on Jack. He simply reached out and lifted the latter into the air by his throat.

“It's a sin to allow scum like you to remain alive.”

Jack's eyes widened with horror at the proclamation of his death sentence.

“No, pie-”

With a forceful twist from Ye Fan's wrist, Jack's neck was snapped abruptly before having his corpse flung off the balcony in the same manner as his subordinates.

The driver of a heavy industrial truck along the highway nearby received the shock of his life when Jack's body suddenly collided against his windscreen with a splat. At eighty miles an hour, not much of his remains were salvageable.

Ye Fan glared down the balcony without remorse.

To think that he was foolish enough to challenge the top fighter of the Sky Ranking. Good riddance, anyway. The world is a better place with one less scum like him.

It was only after eliminating all of the threats that Ye Fan hurried over to pick HeYurou up, placed heron the bed, and covered her body with the quilt.

“It's over now, Yurou. You're safe,” Ye Fan said gently.

He Yurou was too dazed to respond immediately. With a sudden lunging movement, she threw herself at Ye Fan like a drowning woman clutching a lifeline as she wept.

“Oh what an ordeal it was, Mr. Chu! I thought that they were going to...”

Overwhelmed by a fresh bout of tears, she howled anew before she could complete her sentence.

Having been born to a rich and powerful family, He Yurou was accustomed to a certain standard of living. A traumatic experience like that had undoubtedly scarred her.


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