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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1785

“What’s going on, Mr. Chu?” Ye Fan's urgency frightened He Yurou.

Despite her innocence, she could tell from his tone that Ye Fan must have run into some trouble.

“It's best for you to remain in the dark, Yurou. Just heed my warning.”

It came as a nasty shock for Ye Fan to hear that Han and the others were planning to summon all of the members of the Dragon God Hall members to aid him in the Chu Sect.

When did things spiral so far out of control? I must meet them as soon as possible and stop them in case they have some reckless plan already in action.

Although the Chu family desired to assume command of the battle, the fighters of the Tang and Jones families were still formidable.

Even more importantly, as Tang Yun had mentioned, the awakening of the beast at the foothill of Mount Chumen presented a new set of challenges to their plan.

Ye Fan's goal was almost accomplished as the Chu family slid further into disrepute following Chu Zhengliang's death.

In light of the current situation, it is the best course of action to leave Norwal City to return to China. Besides, it is not yet time to do battle with Chu Sect.

He Yurou knew better than to ask questions from the serious expression on Ye Fan's face.

It was in this manner that the pair soon returned to their condominium to find Tang Yun already packed and waiting for him at the center of the room.

With only a nod exchanged between them, the pair leaped into action without a moment's hesitation. After saying their farewells to He Yurou, they departed hastily and soon vanished into the darkness of the night to meet Li Er, leaving He Yurou alone in the condominium.

The moon was hidden behind dense black clouds that night.

“I wonder what sort of trouble Mr. Chu has gotten into,” she murmured softly to herself. “I hope all goes well for him.”

He Yurou gazed wistfully in the direction of Ye Fan's departure from the large French windows.

Her heart had not ceased its anxious pounding as she feared for his safety.

After a while, her thoughts drifted back to the incident at the entrance to the theater.

He Yurou savored the memory of the kiss they shared. Though she was forced by the circumstances to improvise a little play of her own, it was a scene rehearsed many times in the privacy of her fantasies until it felt like the most natural thing in the world when the time came for her to seize the opportunity.

A dreamy smile, with equal traces of shyness and drunken nostalgia, appeared on her lips as she indulged in her reverie.

So this is what it feels like to share a kiss with a man I love.

He Yurou was rudely interrupted by a sudden and loud slam as the door to her condominium was flung open.

The next moment, a dozen bat-yielding thugs marched in. Every inch of their arms was covered in


Their wicked leers made He Yurou feel deeply uneasy.

“Who are you?” she stammered, stumbling backward. “What do you want?

The men did not speak. After arranging themselves into two rows on either side of the door, they sank into a deep bow. “Mr. Brown!”


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