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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1788

“Are there only three thousand left?” Tang Xian's brows immediately scrunched up in a furrow.

As the world's leading martial power, the Chu Sect was five thousand strong at its peak, but they found themselves down to only three thousand pairs of able hands at that moment.

That was to say that Ye Fan had singlehandedly slaughtered nearly half of their disciples.

However, even at their current numbers, the Chu Sect disciples were still a force to be reckoned with, as all of the martial artists from the various nations in Epea did not exceed two thousand when added together.

Although China boasted of a population of one-point-four billion, there were only, on record, a paltry one to two thousand martial artists registered with the War God Castle.

In other words, the number of martial artists Ye Fan had culled on two trips to the Chu Sect was already equivalent to having eradicated them from Epea in their entirety.

“No! The disparity is too much. A mere three thousand is far from being enough,” Tang Xian bellowed. “Go and get in touch with the Brown family, the DuPont family, the Adams family, and all the rest of the Chu Sect's vassals. Have them send out their men and mobilize all their military and political clout to lock down the borders to Norwal City immediately!

I want eyes stationed at every stretch of road and coastline leading out of this city!”

“In addition, have an arrest warrant issued for Chu Tianfan and the Dragon God Hall in both the secular and martial arts world. Let it be known that anyone who harbors them shall be regarded as our enemy! Also, have a hundred thousand copies of Chu Tianfan's photos printed out and distributed to all personnel involved in the manhunt. I refuse to believe that that little twerp from China would be able to escape from the heart of Chu Sect's stronghold!” In somber spirit, Tang Xian rattled off his instructions in a highly organized fashion.

With Chu Yuan currently recuperating in retreat, the task of searching for Ye Fan and rescuing Tang Yun naturally fell upon Tang Xian's lone shoulders.

On top of representing the Tang family's future and aspirations, Tang Yun was the head of the Chu Sect as well. In a bid to save her, Tang Xian was also expectedly committed to hunting down Ye Fan.

Whatever leads he should find on Ye Fan, he would report to Chu Yuan right away.

Deprived of the protection of the four Dragon Slayers and Moon God, the arrival of the Old Master would mean the end of Ye Fan, whenever Ye Fan should show himself.

Shortly after the announcement for the all-out extermination of the latter in both the martial and secular realms was made, word had arrived through one of Chu Sect's affiliated families.

“We have ourselves a lead, head of elders. Someone from the Brown family has been killed by martial artists, and they suspect that the culprit may very well be Chu Tianfan, the one who we've been searching for!” the subordinate anxiously reported inside the hall.

The head of elders was astounded. “Is this true?”

Meanwhile, Ye Fan and his crew convened on the shores of Lake Elterton and began to retreat toward the fringes of Norwal City in an orderly manner.

However, they were beaten to the punch, for every stretch of the coast that led away from the borders had already been placed on watch.

On top of that, a massive force had converged in wait along the entire coastline, and included in their ranks were members of Anglandur's navy.

“Damn it! How did this Chu Sect manage to summon these many people? I reckon that they must have mobilized at least a hundred thousand men just to capture us.”

The wizened faces of Li Er, Lei San, and the others were set in a taut furrow when they learned of their present predicament.

“These people are outsiders, not members of the Chu Sect itself. The Chu Sect had been building themselves up here for generations and had practically turned the whole of Norwal City into their own stronghold. Here, they wield considerable influence within the military, political, and corporate arenas, amongst others. Major local families like the Browns and the Adams have all become their vassals,” a beautiful woman to the side said softly in response to Li Er and the rest's lamentations.

“Huh? Who might this be, Mr. Chu?”

Li Er and his contemporaries had already noticed this resplendent lady in the company of Ye Fan for some time.

Alongside the translucent veil that kept her face shielded from view, her slender figure had been comprehensively concealed beneath her flowing black dress.

In spite of that, Tang Yun's otherworldly countenance, poise, and grace still drew the involuntary gazes of others upon her.

Even Li Er, who had been at Ye Fan's side for so many years, could not recall when there was such a curious woman around Ye Fan.

Could this be another of Mr. Chu's confidantes? But she seems remarkably well-informed about matters pertaining to the Chu Sect.

Li Er and the others were quietly absorbed in their own thoughts while Xu Lei to the side, too, evoked a look of puzzlement.


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