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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1789

“W-Who are you people? Why have you captured me?”

Inside the room that was in complete disarray, He Yurou was restrained by ropes as thick as a lotus root and strung up from the rafters like an animal.

In front of her sat a calm elderly respectfully flanked by several attendants on both sides, and responding to He Yurou's helpless utterances was a middle-aged man.

“Why? Looks like you still haven't figured out who I am. Since that's the case, I shall let you in on it. I am Wyland, the head of the Brown family, and my son's name is Jack Brown.”

The coldness of the middle-aged man's tone sent shivers throughout He Yurou's pallid face, for she was not expecting reprisal to arrive this swiftly.

“Who was the one who killed my son and a dozen of my family's men? Where is that person now? Out with it! Don't tell me that you're the one responsible either, cause how would a frail woman like you have the ability to take on so many on your own?” the middle-aged man pressed coldly.

“1-1 don't know. I don't know anything...” He Yurou merely shook her head and repeated whatever that she said.

“Not going to talk, huh? That makes me keen to know whether your hide is tougher or my whip!” cackled Wyland before he swung the iron whip in his hand at her.

Every lash that landed drew a spine-chilling trail of blood, and unto the end, the fresh crimson that oozed from He Yurou's body had dyed her entire body red.

Nevertheless, she declined to divulge information of any value.

“What should we do, Mr. Tang? This wench is a tough cookie to crack. It seems that she's not going to give anything up no matter what.”

Seeing that He Yurou had already passed out, those subordinates had no choice but to turn to the head of elders, Tang Xian, who was seated quietly behind them.

“Useless fools. How could I ever count on you for anything when you can't even handle one woman?” Tang Xian fumed. He had his subordinates rouse He

Yurou before he approached himself.

He grabbed a fistful of hair and jerked her head back. “Do you still want to take any more of this, girl? Tell us what we want to know, and you won't have to endure any more of this. I'm going to give you one last chance to answer the question we've just asked. You have ten seconds, and for every second you dawdle on, I'm going to stab one of your fingertips.”

Tang Xian then waved the dagger in his hand in He Yurou'sface.

“No, please...” He Yurou reflexively shook her head in horror.


Unmoved, Tang Xian straight up pierced He Yurou's fingertip with the dagger in his hand.


Yet another push of the blade sent He Yurou's blood flowing and her cries of anguish reverberating around the room.

“Ah... Please... No more... It hurts. It really hurts... Kill me! Kill me...”

In despair from that excruciating pain that had left her overwhelmed, He Yurou tea red up, wailed, and pleaded for these people to take her life.

Fresh out of patience, Tang Xian tossed the dagger aside and grabbed He Yurou by the throat. “I'm going to ask you for the final time. Who was it who saved you from Jack?”

“It is I!”


When Tang Xian's voice trailed off, an angry howl emanated from the outside.

Shortly after, the doors and windows tore inward, and the walls crumbled.

Amidst the shattering rubble, that slender silhouette made its reappearance here once more.

“C-Chu Tianfan?”

Ye Fan's sudden appearance threw the masses into a positive frenzy, and the initially haughty Tang Xian was so spooked that he staggered backward and almost fell slump upon the floor.

With a finger trembling in Ye Fan's direction, his eyeballs almost exploded from all the staring he did.


Unsure as to whether it was out of shock or horror, Tang Xian was dumbstruck and reduced to a shivering mess.

“What? Haven't you been searching for me, Mr. Tang? So, why aren't you happy to see me here?” said Ye Fan with a chuckle.


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