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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 180

"Go to hell! You're seriously shameless! You're saying that Mu-Cheng is your wife, but have you asked her if she acknowledges you as her husband? You're just a country bumpkin! Who gave you the courage to make declarations like that! Mu-Cheng, tell him that you've never acknowledged this fellow! Slap this fellow's face and make him wake up from his dream!” Han Li yelled fiercely in anger at Ye Fan when she heard what he said and even tried to get Qiu Mu-Cheng on her side.

"Mum, are you quite done? I'm fine if you throw a tantrum outside the house but now you're even making things ugly in public. Yes, Ye Fan isn't as rich as some others and he might not be as promising either. He's from a poor family and he's a live-in son-in-law too. But no matter how useless Ye Fan might seem, in the eyes of the law, he is still my lawfully wedded husband." Qiu Mu-Cheng finally couldn't stand it anymore and exploded right back at her mother. Her pretty eyes were all red now.

She really had enough of this. Her mother shouted like this at home and she was still yelling about outside.

It was so difficult to just have a meal in peace.

What made Qiu Mu-Cheng even more upset was how her mother didn't even ask for her opinion and started calling Sun Yu-Hao her son-in-law and even got Sun Yu-Hao to call her 'Mum'.

Didn't her mother find all of this embarrassing?

"Why you...you...! Qiu Mu-Cheng! How dare you shout at your own mother over a useless bum! I've brought you up for nothing!” Han Li was so angry she was shaking.

She wanted her daughter to teach Ye Fan a lesson, but she didn't expect her daughter to turn on her and even speak up for Ye Fan.

"Han Li, that's quite enough from you as well. Yu-Hao is here too, so why make things so ugly?” Han Hai put his chopsticks down and glared at his sister, so Han Li shut her mouth too.

Han Li was always respectful towards this older brother of hers.

But she was still angry and her expression was very nasty. The way she looked at Ye Fan was even more contemptuous now.

After Han Li kept quiet, Han Hai looked at Ye Fan. "So you actually know how to drink on someone else's behalf, and you think you're really capable by taking that glass for Mu-Cheng huh!"

"Since that's the case, then I'll let you take on everything for her! Don't blame me if you embarrass yourself!"

Han Hai scoffed coldly and told Han Fei-Fei to buy a few bottles of cheaper but equally potent alcohol.

Han Hai was clearly out to make Ye Fan black out.

He wasn't going to spend that much money on this country bumpkin.

"Fill his glass to the brim! If you're a man, then drink up," said Han Hai with a cold smile as he got his daughter to fill up Ye Fan's glass.

"Hai, you..." But Han Li was more worried about whether her own brother could take it or not.

"Auntie Li, don't worry, my dad's a champion at drinking. My dad is always the one sent to entertain all the important people to the company and he's never gotten drunk before. Let's wait for that country bumpkin to make a fool of himself," said Han Fei-Fei with a sly look on her face.

Ye Fan had already started drinking with Han Hai.

Glass after glass went down and they drank every glass in one mouthful.

"Ye Fan, don't drink anymore. My uncle can hold his liquor well because he often entertains clients, so how are you going to endure more liquor than him?" Qiu Mu-Cheng knew that her uncle was trying to get Ye Fan drunk and then watch him make a spectacle of himself.

But Ye Fan just waved his hand and said, "Mu-Cheng, it's alright. Since Uncle Hai is proposing a toast, then as someone younger, I must return it. As long as Uncle Hai drinks, then I'll drink too.”

Good gracious. This man was still trying to put on a strong front.

Qiu Mu-Cheng was going to see if he could still say this after he got all drunk.

"Mu-Cheng, don't bother about him and let him drink. I'm sure Ye Fan can drink an ocean without getting drunk," Sun Yu-Hao chimed in mockingly. He was waiting to watch a good show too.

Han Fei-Fei and Han Li were also waiting to watch Ye Fan embarrass himself.

Only Qiu Mu-Cheng's face was all red from anger. Ye Fan refused to listen to her and continued to drink with Han Hai.

How could Ye Fan compare to Han Hai after Han Hai was so well trained in drinking for so many years?

Wasn't he just waiting to embarrass himself?

Eventually Qiu Mu-Cheng gave up trying to persuade Ye Fan.

"Fine! Drink all you want and just die from it or something. Once you get all drunk I'm just going to ignore you!” Qiu Mu-Cheng was so angry her face was distorted.


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