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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 181

Ye Fan scoffed coldly, then turned and left.

"That stupid country bumpkin has finally left. Auntie Li, if you don't chase him away now, then when? I think you'd better make him divorce Mu-Cheng as soon as possible. Otherwise if this guy suddenly goes crazy or something and ends up violating Mu-Cheng, it'll be too late for regrets," said Han Fei-Fei disdainfully as she watched Ye Fan ride his scooter and leave.

"How dare he! If he dares to be the slightest bit disrespectful to Mu-Cheng, I'm going to break his legs!” Han Li fumed. Then she turned to look at Sun Yu-Hao.

"Yu-Hao, don't worry, I'll work on Mu-Cheng. She's just shy in front of us and doesn't dare to go too close to you. Ask her out on a one to one date later on and she won't be so reserved anymore. As for that useless idiot, don't worry about him either. I'll push Mu-Cheng to hurry up and divorce that beggar," Han Li consoled Sun Yu-Hao with some nice sounding words.

Sun Yu-Hao just smiled faintly and replied, "Mum, I'm fine, I'm not worried. I'm confident of myself. I'm sure that between myself and that country bumpkin, Mu-Cheng will definitely make the right decision in the end.”

Sun Yu-Hao never cared about Ye Fan at all and never thought of him as a rival.

A rival was only a rival if they could compete against each other in every way.

But there was nothing that Ye Fan had that he could use to compete with.

To Sun Yu-Hao, Ye Fan wasn't fit to be his rival right from the start.

"Excellent! With these words from you, I'm feeling more assured. Someone who is fit to be my son-in-law should be as confident as you!” Han Li laughed merrily.

Just at this moment, the specialties Han Li ordered earlier were served.

Peng Zhen-Ying even came over with another bottle of his most treasured wine.

"Young Sir, even though this bottle is not as good as the previous one, but I paid quite a bit for this at an auction. I couldn't bear to drink it and kept it for the past ten years, but since you've come all the way here, I..."

Peng Zhen-Ying made his way towards the table and started talking with a face full of smiles.

But once he got near the table, he realized that Ye Fan was no longer at the table and started frowning immediately.

"Hmm? Where's Young Sir?"

"Who? My son-in-law is right here! Are you too drunk to see him or something?” Han Li laughed as she shook her head.

"No, I'm asking about where the person who was sitting here has gone to. Why are there a few people missing from the table?" Peng Zhen-Ying continued to ask.

Han Li suddenly thought she understood what was going on and said, "Oh, you're talking about them. My brother drank too much and my daughter has gone with him to the hospital. As for that beggar from the countryside who was sitting there earlier, we told him to get lost."


"You chased him away?"

"And you said you told him to get lost?!"

Peng Zhen-Ying was rooted to the spot in shock. His eyes widened while his pupils narrowed.

"That's right. He's just a useless bum eating and drinking for free anyway, so the mere sight of him irritates me. Besides, he's from the countryside and so letting him eat here is just lowering the standards of your beautiful restaurant. If my silly daughter hadn't insisted on keeping him here, we would have chased him out long ago. I hope you don't mind that we brought someone like that, I promise we won't bring such hooligans to your restaurant ever again." "Also, don't worry, we didn't let that fellow drink a single drop of that collector's wine that you gave us earlier. We didn't want him to ruin it.”

Han Li interpreted Peng Zhen-Ying's frown as his displeasure that they had brought a poor man from the countryside to his restaurant, so she kept explaining herself.

She knew that all these high class restaurants were very particular about their image and wouldn't let anyone improper in.

But when Peng Zhen-Ying heard these words from Han Li, his eyes widened even further. His expression was dark and he finally cursed, "What the hell?!”

"What did you just say?"

"You didn't let him drink a single drop of the wine earlier?"

"That's right. You were the one who gave us this bottle of wine and since it's so precious, we had to treat it equally preciously. It would be such an insult to let a lowly country bumpkin like him to drink something so expensive and it would really be discourteous to you as well," continued Han Li.


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