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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 182

"Say that again?"

"How much did you say?"

Sun Yu-Hao was completely bewildered when he heard the total amount and frowned as he asked the cashier to repeat herself.

The cashier continued to smile professionally and repeated, "Sir, your total bill adds up to $693,600. Is there a problem?"

Sun Yu-Hao initially thought he had heard her wrongly. But when he heard the cashier repeat herself, he was really flabbergasted now.

"690 grand?"

"You've got to be kidding!?

"Those few dishes would be a few thousand at most. How did you get this total figure? I've got money but I'm not going to let you cheat me out of it!"

Sun Yu-Hao was starting to get angry.

Haiyuan Restaurant was a high class restaurant, but it wasn't as if Sun Yu-Hao hadn't been to one. He and his father had given a high ranking government official a treat before and it only came up to slightly more than 70 thousand. How could his bill tonight be close to 700 thousand instead?

"What the hell is this! Where's your manager? I demand to see your manager! Is this how he treats important guests? Does he think I'm a pushover? Or does he think I'm willing to just throw money away?!" Sun Yu-Hao was fuming mad. Nobody would be happy to be treated as a fool like that.

But Han Li consoled him by saying, "Yu-Hao, don't worry. It's just 690 thousand. After the discount, it could be only 69 thousand."

"Remember? The manager promised to give us a discount earlier."

These words reminded Sun Yu-Hao.

"That's true. Fine then. Give us that discount and bill me for 69 thousand then." It was a little expensive for a bill to hit close to a 100 thousand, but at least Sun Yu-Hao could accept that figure.

But the cashier raised an eyebrow. "Discount? I'm sorry sir, but we're not doing any promotions at the moment."

What the...

"You're just a cashier and you don't know anything! Get your manager here! Tell him that Mr Sun is here to foot the bill and get him to come and handle this personally!" Han Li immediately yelled.

Peng Zhen-Ying had just come back down and heard Han Li. He raised an eyebrow and asked, "Who's asking for me?"

"Manager Peng, it's these customers here. They've finished their food but they don't want to pay up, and they insist that I give them a discount," explained the cashier when she saw Peng Zhen-Ying.

Han Li had also noticed Peng Zhen-Ying walking over and immediately said very coldly to him with an arrogance in her voice, "Manager Peng, it's good that you're here. Mr Sun here is my son-in-law and we're here to eat as a family. Since you know my son-in-law, then as we agreed earlier, you don't have to waive the bill but you could just bill us 10% of the total. You can take it as a gift to me and a gift to my son-in-law. Don't worry, my son-in-law and I will always remember this favor."

Han Li thought that Peng Zhen-Ying was rude to her earlier because he didn't know that she was Sun Yu-Hao's mother-in-law. So she quickly identified herself as that when Peng Zhen-Ying walked over.

"Mr Sun? Which Mr Sun?" Peng Zhen-Ying raised an eyebrow as he heard Han Li keep mentioning a Mr Sun. Was the surname of that young man they chased away Sun?

"What do you mean by which Mr Sun? Of course it's the one whom you respect so much and presented the wine to! Mr Sun Yu-Hao is my son-in-law," proclaimed Han Li proudly as she stuck her chin out and pointed towards Sun Yu-Hao next to her.

Sun Yu-Hao also had a look of arrogance on his face as he said, "Hello, Manager Peng."

"Hello my foot! So this Mr Sun is you?! Who the hell do you think YOU are? I respect you so much? Are you even worthy of my respect?" Peng Zhen-Ying was about to go mad.


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