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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1820

On the main street of Yunzhou, a dozen motorcycles with hazard lights flashing fiercely surrounded Chu Wenfei's car as it made slow progress.

Curious bystanders gathered on both sides of the street.

Chu Wenfei was pleased with the attention he was receiving. His heart swelled with joy.

Isn't this what one strives for in life? The adoration of one's fellow men? To see the look in my parent's eyes when I return with triumph and riches makes slogging out there worth it, especially when somebody tells my parents what a good job they did in raising me.

Chu Wenfei leaned forward, impatience to arrive home spurred by the uplifting thought. “Driver, please drive faster.”

A crowd comprising of government officials and distant relatives must have already gathered outside my parents' house. I will be met with cheers and applause when I get out of the vehicle!

As soon as the command left his lips, the car braked with sudden violence. Chu Wenfei nearly collided with the seat before him, rudely interrupting the fantasies of basking in his glorious arrival.

“What happened?” he demanded.

The driver pointed to the road in front, indicating that the car ahead had stopped first.

Chu Wenfei wound down the window to address the person who was driving the car in front. “Why aren't we moving?”

“Apologies, Mr. Chu. It appears that the road ahead is sealed.”

Chu Wenfei chuckled. “Lin Shi is so thoughtful to have sealed off the road in preparation for my arrival. Tell them that Lin Shi is expecting me, Chu Wenfei. They'll let us pass when they hear my name.” Chu Wenfei's tone barely concealed his arrogance.

I'm becoming more and more fond of this newly-elected mayor. It's really kind of him to do all of this to welcome my arrival! It sends a strong message about my status and influence.

However, the captain pulled an apologetic face. “It's no use, Mr. Chu. I did tell them that. They said they'd never heard your name.”

Chu Wenfei's eyes widened. “There must be a misunderstanding! Why would you go through all the trouble to prepare for my arrival only to deny me passage? It sounds to me like your men need proper training.”

The captain hastened to appease Chu Wenfei's growing anger. “Please remain calm, Mr. Chu. I'll make a call. As a guest of Lin Shi, nobody will dare restrict your access to anywhere in Yunzhou. I'm sure that there's a very simple explanation for this. Hang on, I'll be back with a clarification soon, and we'll be on our way.”

Wang Hu smiled reassuringly before stepping away to speak to his superior.

To his confusion, Wang Hu had consulted all of his colleagues only to find out that nobody knew of the order to seal the main road.

“That's strange. Who ordered them to do so, then? Maybe Lin Shi had ordered another department too?” Wang Hu's suspicion grew.

After pulling some strings, he got in touch with Lin Shi's secretary, whose answer was the same as the others he had heard.

“Lin Shi did not order for the main road to be blocked!”

Wang Hu was mystified by that answer.

He jerked his head up to study the men manning the roadblock. “Where did they come from?” he muttered. “Could they be bandits or kidnappers masquerading as government employees to abduct Mr. Chu?”

Chu Wenfei emerged from his vehicle as Wang Hu was busy speculating. “What the hell is going on? Aren't you all operating under the same jurisdiction?”

Wang Hu shook his head. “I'd made some inquiries, Mr. Chu. Those men are not underthe employ of our provincial government.”

“Who are they, then?” barked Chu Wenfei.


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