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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1821

Qiu Mucheng was thrilled at the news of Ye Fan's arrival from Mount Yunding Villa.

To celebrate his return, she put on her best dress and her favorite heels. On top of that, she wore a necklace with diamonds selected with exceptional care that sparkled brilliantly underthe light.

Earrings of emerald shaped like clover swayed as she looked about her with feverish excitement.

Qiu Mucheng looked regal and elegant, befitting the queen of Jiangdong as she awaited her royal husband alongside their subjects.

“Calm yourself, Mucheng,” Su Qian reminded. “You mustn't lose your cool when you see Ye Fan. Learn to be aloof like me! You should stay put and let him come to you. Show him that we women can survive without men just fine. Hold your ground, Mucheng. The entire Yunzhou is watching. Don't embarrass us womenfolk. You need to maintain your elegance and dignity instead of running into his arms the moment you see him. You'll look like a joke to everybody if you do.”

Su Qian stood by Qiu Mucheng's side on the balcony of the villa, the highest point in Yunzhou.

Su Qian felt a sense of pride and honor well up in her as they surveyed the most powerful men in the region gathered below.

Look at me! I'm even more powerful than them!

As much as she was enjoying her position of prestige, she was well aware that she was only there as Qiu Mucheng's guest. Her best friend was the one with the true power.

“I know,” Qiu Mucheng replied. “Don't worry. I will pace myself.”

As hard as she tried to keep her promise, the anticipation in her voice and the blush in her cheeks gave it away.

Su Qian sighed. “You're beyond hope, Mucheng.”

Not long after, Han Dongmin led the entire Ye family up the steps of Mount Yunding.

Aside from Han Dongmin, Wang Jiexi of Horbah was in attendance. His name was once renowned in the Jiangdong region.

Not long afterthem, Lu Tianhe, the commander of Jiangdong defense zone, and He Lanshan arrived as well.

Upon arriving at the villa, the first thing they did was greet Qiu Mucheng as a sign of respect.

“I didn't expect to see you, General Lu!” responded Qiu Mucheng warmly in the perfect etiquette of a hostess. “And Governor Han and Governor He! How kind of all of you to show up. When my husband returns, I will have him organize a banquet in your honor. None of you are going home sober tonight!"

The men exchanged uncomfortable glances with one another as none of them was eager to break the news.

Su Qian observed Qiu Mucheng's interactions with the important men with admiration.

All the influential figures in Jiangdong are here just because Ye Fan returns home. I'd thought that the mayor of Yunzhou was important enough, but his title pales in comparison to the other guests in attendance today! Mucheng has been so busy entertaining them that I dldn't even get the chance to speak to her! I would complain that she's too gracious of a hostess, but I understand the need to be. She's the queen of

Jiangdong, after all.

Su Qian was overwhelmed by the presence of all the legendary figures gathered at Mount Yunding Villa, as it was inconceivable for somebody of her status to even meet the mayor of Yunzhou. Naturally, the identities of the men in attendance frightened her.

Reflecting upon her fear and comparing it to how easily Qiu Mucheng had struck up conversations with all the men she was afraid of, Su Qian's admiration for her childhood friend only grew.

I remember a time when Mucheng was not taken seriously in her family. She was so oppressed that she couldn't even afford decent make-up products and was forced to live in a tiny apartment with her parents. Back then, she was inferior to me in everything from wealth to status. It only took her a few years to have risen way above my station. Even Han Dongmin and Lu Tianhe speak to her so courteously. Oh, if only things were different!

Qiu Mucheng was still entertaining guests while Su Qian observed in silence. Her exquisite features bore traces of disappointment.

Though the friendship she shared with Qiu Mucheng was a good one, she nonetheless felt disappointed

and upset that she had been left so far behind.

She was inferior to me. How the tables have turned.

Su Qian was also aware that Qiu Mucheng had not surpassed her through her own merit. It was all due to marrying a good husband.

I'd advised Mucheng to get a divorce on the grounds of Ye Fan dragging her name down. At that time, everybody thought that she was a stupid girl for marrying a loser. It turns out I am the stupid one, after all. Why didn 't I have a better judgment of character back then? If I did, I might have snatched up Ye Fan for myself. The one currently socializing with influential men could have been me!

Su Qian allowed her imagination to run amok before resigning herself to a sigh.


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