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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1822


Following their lead, the sea of white fell onto their knees in a deafening anthem of reverence that echoed through the mountains.

“We are all complicit in the failure of defending Dragon Master, Mrs. Chu!”

“Please punish us as you see fit!”

The wails for forgiveness permeated the air, suddenly thick with despair.

Atop Mount Yunding, the crowd who had gathered in anticipation for Ye Fan's triumphant return looked as if they had been struck by lightning.

Ye Fan did return, all right. But not in a way we expected.

The wails and shrieks of grief sounding from atop Mount Yunding, which echoed throughout the city below, accompanied the citywide mourning that day.

Many were unable to accept the fact that the man from their city with such a meteoric rise would meet

such a premature and unexpected end.

As torn with grief as Qiu Mucheng and Ye Ximei were, they were obligated to put on a brave front for the sake of the city.

After a discussion with the elders of the Ye family, members of the Dragon God Hall came to the decision to have the funeral service three days later.

The news of Ye Fan's demise spread quickly throughout Jiangdong.

The day of the funeral was a cloudy and gloomy one as if reflective of the city's residents' mood.

Throughout the grayish day, the grounds were flecked with white from the occasional snowfall.

On that day, inhabitants from every corner of the city flocked to the cemetery to lay a flower on his grave, which was soon hidden under a bed of flowers and fresh snow.

He Lanshan, Li Er, and Lu Tianhe were clad in suits with their mourning attire draped over their arms. They stood forlornly, silently paying their last respects as they watched the casket lowered into the earth.

Ye Fan's body did not lie within the casket. Rather, it was the Sword of Yunyang that he had used in life.

Li Er and the rest watched Ye Fan fall before their very eyes, but the body was taken away before they could recover it.

It was the only way they could think of to hold a burial for Ye Fan while still preserving his dignity.

There was a suggestion before about having the funeral after recovering his body, but Li Er and Chen Ao objected to it at once.

If they were unable to recover the body, that might mean never having the funeral.

Ye Fan's suicide had been made known throughout the martial arts world.

They did not want Ye Fan to be ridiculed in death for not even having the ceremony to acknowledge it.

Li Er knew that Ye Fan was a proud man.

As he was fond of living in style, we should respect his wishes and let him leave this earth in style.

Of course, Li Er and the others vowed to continue the search for his body.

The elders have said that the deceased will become a ghost trapped in the mortal realm, destined to haunt the earth for all eternity if he is not given a proper burial. Mr. Chu was forced to kill himself to protect us. We must respect him just as we would if he were still alive. It is our duty to see his burial through.

On that day, Li Er, Chan Ao, Wang Jiexi, and the rest of their comrades from Jiangdong, Xue Renyang on behalf of Yanjing, Lu Tianhe and Wu Yang on behalf of the military, Chiike Shizuka on behalf of Japan, and thousands of Dragon Gods disciples gathered to pay their last respects.

Every single one of the mourners who was once graced with Ye Fan's kindness orthose who had followed him for years knelt for a full day.

Once the last shovelful of earth is thrown over the casket, Ye Fan will have officially ceased to exist in the world. The glorious conquests under Chu Tian fan's leadership might one day all be forgotten, but not if we can help it. Today is the last day we will be able to accompany Mr. Chu. Jiangdong will not have a leader from tomorrow onward!

At that harrowing thought, Li Er burst into tears duringthe vigil.

“It's time to go home.”

Li Er gazed out of the window and realized that it was already the break of dawn.

The vast sky was starting to lighten up in a milky white over the horizon.

Most of those coming to pay their last respects had already left. The ones who remained behind were Ye Fan's closest friends and the members of the Dragon God Hall.

Li Er was already frail. After being on his knees for an entire night, in addition to the immense emotional toil, his face had become extremely pale.

Li Xueqi, his sister, could bear it no longer. She stepped forward to pull him to his feet.


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