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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 209


Did Gu Long-En want to be Ye Fan's apprentice?

When they heard Gu Long-En wanting to be his apprentice, the crowd was stunned.

Who was this Gu Long-En?

He was a visiting professor at a renowned local university and even the deputy president of Yunzhou's Antique Association. The curio community held him in high regard.

In terms of their prestige in society, Ye Fan was far behind Gu Long-En.

In terms of age, Gu Long-En was old enough to be Ye Fan's grandfather.

So no one could have expected such a respectable old man to humble himself and ask Ye Fan to be his teacher.

This was all too much for their tiny little brains to process.

Everyone stood where they were in a daze. They kept looking at the painting and Old Master Gu while he waited for Ye Fan to take him in as his student.

It was undoubtedly a surprise for Su Qian and Qiu Mu-Cheng too. This was a completely unexpected ending.

Yang He was on the verge of crying. While he hung his head looking like a withering plant, he asked fearfully, "Pre...President Gu, is this really Su Dong-Po's work?"

Even though Yang He was still unable to accept this harsh reality, when he saw Ye Fan revealing the truth behind this painting, Yang He knew in his heart that all was lost.

After all, almost all the artwork that was kept in such a fashion became treasures in the antique circles.

What's more, Old Master Gu was around. He could serve as a witness to verify the truth that this work was indeed hidden behind another painting.

"Although I can't be 100% certain, based on my experience and judgment, it's an original for sure. After all, the forgers can't possibly have the same mastery in brushwork and calligraphy writing." Gu Long-En verified once more that he was certain. Old Master Gu's words sounded like a death knell to Yang He and made him turn pale instantly.

But Ye Fan's gentle laughter sounded like rocks crashing into the sea and caused a tidal wave yet again.

"President Gu, I suggest you look more carefully again."

"Hmm? Little Teacher, what do you mean? Do you think this isn't authentic?" Gu Long-En didn't understand what Ye Fan meant.

When he said it wasn't an original, Ye Fan told him to look more closely.

When he said it was authentic, Ye Fan told him to look more thoroughly as well.

So now Old Master Gu was clueless about the situation and didn't get what Ye Fan was trying to say.

Ye Fan nodded in response to Gu Long-En's question, "That's right, I don't think this is authentic. Also, I never said it was from the start."


"Do you mean this is a fake?" At first, Yang He lost all hope in his heart. But when he heard Ye Fan's words, it rekindled in his heart, and he was delighted.

Yang He was on the brink of tears from this major turn of events.

The others shivered in surprise as well.

"Damn, what's this brat up to?"

"Wasn't he so confident it was a real treasure that he made a bet with the shop owner?"

"Why is he saying it's a fake now?"

It's sheer nonsense. Is this guy an idiot?" Everyone started murmuring among themselves and had no idea what Ye Fan was thinking.

While Gu Long-En repeatedly shook his head as well and kept saying, "That can't be right. That can't be.”

"Little Teacher, you must be joking, right? If it were a lousy forgery, how could I have missed it? This painting was meticulously composed and consisted of solid brushwork. If this was considered a low-quality imitation, then there would be no originals left in the world," said Gu Long-En deeply. He felt a little displeased as Ye Fan seemed to be making fun of him.


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